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Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:54 pm
by Sophia Anieri
Barack Obama. When I saw the video of the last major speech he made I knew. He's the one to lead America toward fixing things.

Video is up on his website if anyone is interested.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:12 am
by Dracos
What speech was that? The most recent speech they had was his "Yes we Can" speech, where he didn't address what was wrong, or how to change it, or how we as the people actually had any power. Was it a different speech that convinced you?

I just don't put much stock in people saying they bring "change" but not saying how... Change is only good if the change is an improvement, after all.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:25 am
by Helel
Barack Obama

All other things said on the political side, I'm going to say that culturally, him even getting the nomination would be a great indicator of America getting past its history with inequality among the races.

I know he's not toting himself as an African American running for president, but a person running for president who happens to be an African American (I prefer it this way, actually). But if he were elected president there would be a great change for American culture, especially with the relationship between the racial majority and minorities, that would be amazing in my eyes. It'd be a great step towards better racial equality.

On the flip side, I think the cultural impact of a woman being elected president (I'm looking at you, Hillary) would be awesome as well. Equality of the genders is a good thing as well.

Politically, I'm agreeable for most of the democratic candidates, but weighing in cultural impacts in addition to who can do the job, Clinton and Obama are my main choices, with me leaning towards Obama. The rest are slightly less uninspiring or plain compared to those two.

I think Terra and Sophia have pointed out anything else I would say at this ungodly hour as I attempt to finish this Biomedical Engineering Project. Don't come to me if you have a spinal injury. :o

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:54 am
by Christina Anikari
Just a quick note Dracos. No matter how good or bad Ron Paul's economics might be, i am not too fond of them myself, he is no economist. He is a medical doctor which is something quite different from an economist. At least if listening to the education of my cousin who studies economics and my uncle who is a doctor is any indication of what the two groups learn. :D

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:52 pm
by Sophia Anieri
Dracos wrote:What speech was that? The most recent speech they had was his "Yes we Can" speech, where he didn't address what was wrong, or how to change it, or how we as the people actually had any power. Was it a different speech that convinced you?

I just don't put much stock in people saying they bring "change" but not saying how... Change is only good if the change is an improvement, after all.

The speech was the first one that comes up, "The Great Need of the Hour," and he does talk about specific problems and how to change them.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:03 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Kucinich is dropping out, so I now say to screw it all. All hope is lost. And I say that because I'm not going to settle for a typical/standard/okay president or worse, which is all that I see remaining.

I guess I can just hope that he gets re-elected in his district for a seventh term.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:39 am
by Xia
I'm playing this close to the vest. I'm waiting to see who gets the nominations.

but ideally, those I would be most likely to vote for are


In semi order of preference

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:22 pm
by Mendi-chan
Updated to exclude the candidates who are no longer in the race.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:18 pm
by Christina Anikari
Can't vote on this. I cannot tell whether i find Obama or Hillary least annoying. Hillary is fighting most dirty, but on the other she has real political substance, whereas Obama seems to be running a campaign on personal charisma, vague rhetorics and a close association with Martin Luther King. Hillary probably still inches out for me, at least i think it realistic to expect that she will be able to handle the job. It is not enough that i dare vote for her though.

And don't suggest i go with the republicans, Kucinich and Gravel are too right-wing for my ideal preference and then you yourself can see how far away a Republican, even the moderate McCain are compared to my views.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:20 am
by jimmyinwhite
Just as I thought no clear winner.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:09 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
I'm going with McCain. His platform says somethings I reallly agree with. Plus, there's no denying the man is tough.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:12 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
With those remaining, I can only care for Ron Paul. Aside from the fact that, if he were to make it as a candidate, his running mate may very well be Kucinich. His foreign policy seems sound, and while I'm not sure about his domestic policies, getting rid of the IRS and decreasing the government's budget, particularly the Pentagon's budget (if I remember correctly; I can't remember if he targeted the Pentagon specifically), sounds good to me.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:26 pm
by Christina Anikari
As far as i am able to gather his foreign policy is something along the lines of "screw them, we can do just fine be ourselves". Basically he is an isolationist. Also i doubt that the almost social democratic Kucinich would be the running mate for the radical libertarian Ron Paul. If anything they would be at each others throats over domestic politics constantly, fiscally they are just about exact opposites.

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:53 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
I don't know about you, but at least for a time I think it'd be a good idea for America to focus on itself more for a while.

What I doubt is the validity of your labeling. But instead of arguing over perceptions, I'll just state that they are, in fact, friends. They do have their disagreements as far as some domestic policies are concerned, but nowhere near as bad as you've... imagined? But let's put it like this: how could it be worse compared to the last two presidential terms? Bush has shown to have many similarities with Hitler, and I find it hard to believe that it's a mere coincidence that he's done so many things, if not to the same degree or reason, but in relatively the same order. And, let's face it, America's too invasive and self-righteous, and in ever-degrading condition, so what would it hurt to be more isolated for a bit? And I say a bit because things change as the people running the government do. It's not like it's going to be forever. It may just be the sort of change we need, as a country. A bit selfish, maybe, but no different from the selfish things we're doing now. Although, in the first place, I don't think Ron Paul would be as bad as you make it sound in that regard; plus, if what you say is the case, what are the chances of congress and the American people allowing it?

As a little aside... I disregard labels. I consider them to be stupid because they're so often painted in black and white, and people misuse them. In particular I'm looking at anyone who praises Democracy as the crème de la crème of governmental institutions. I completely disagree. The same can be said for Capitalism. Think what you want about what I think, but you'd be wrong. Not that there's a right or wrong, but you know what I mean. I'm just a crazy person living in their own world, away from you insanely sane people. You make no sense. :?

Re: Don't mean to start a big debate or anything, but...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:28 pm
by Raleigh
Chose McCain because he's nuts. No other reason for me. I don't give a rats arse what any of them stand for because they are all liars and cheats, I just vote for the one that would amuse me the most.