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When will anime cease to exist?

Poll ended at Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:24 am

Within 100 years (my time)
Until the end of time (never)
A few years (cmon its getting old!)
Not until I say so! (you hate it 2?!)
Total votes : 27

Postby Aaron » Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:25 pm

Am I the only one interested in hearing exactly how he is trying to "destroy anime?" I mean, if he's done anything apart from complaining and identifying himself by an art form that he supposedly hates, I'm predicting some sort of humorous James Bond Villian sort of plan. Like, maybe...

He has a nuclear device he's going to set off in Mt. Fuji, thus hoping to cause a chain reaction that would lead to the destruction of the island and, thus, make it impossible to produce any new anime, since it is, by definition, animation from Japan.

Or maybe he found some strange crystals that expand in water that he can drop off the coast of China, than in a few centuries, they will expand to sink over Japan.

Or maybe he has gigantic mirror in orbit and is going to use it to focus a huge portion of the sun's rays onto Japan, incinerating it.

Or maybe he has developed a virus that, despite there being no real genetic difference, focus in on people of a specific race and eliminate them.

Ooh, the possibilities for the mass genocide are endless.
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Postby Beyond » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:18 pm

maybe watching anime for very long periods until it destroys itself magically?
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Postby u know who » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:41 pm

Why would i destroy my home continent?
I have a grand master plan that will work without killing anybody but its more of a government thing and i might make a movie of this someday! :D
u know who

Postby Beyond » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:52 pm

I would love to hear your plan. Maybe I can provide you with... ANIME ART!
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Postby Anamnesis » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:29 pm

If you don't mind me asking, why do you hate anime?
I don't want any backwards responses, either; A clear cut explanation shall do.
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Postby Anamnesis » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:30 pm

If you don't mind me asking, why do you hate anime?
I don't want any backwards responses, either; A clear cut explanation shall do.
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Postby Aaron » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:40 pm

u know who wrote:Why would i destroy my home continent?
I have a grand master plan that will work without killing anybody but its more of a government thing and i might make a movie of this someday! :D

Ooh, I really want to hear this.
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Postby P-tan » Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:42 am

Like i said *its a personal matter* you dont want me getting all dramatic or anying alrite?
basically im doing this either for a purpose in this world or cuz no1else wants to or its 4 their own good :P

Postby Anamnesis » Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:12 am

There IS no 'for the good of the people' in destroying anime. You answered with a backwards answer, avoiding my question.
Get all dramatic and junk, I REALLY want to hear this.
Unless, of course, it'ss all an enigmatic ruse concocted by a self-absorbed teen...
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Postby Sensei Kimiko » Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:39 am

animeh8r wrote:Like i said *its a personal matter* you dont want me getting all dramatic or anying alrite?
basically im doing this either for a purpose in this world or cuz no1else wants to or its 4 their own good :P

Side note folks. This thread could easly turn into a flame war. If we can't keep it gramatically correct, let's make sure it stays civil.
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Postby Beyond » Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:44 pm

But I want to hear how will you execute your statement animeh8r... aww... :?

And now... HAMMER TIME!

Naa Kimiko, we are just having fuuuun :3
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Postby P-tan » Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:17 pm

When i was young i was normal i did not obsess with anime but i watched it because i lived in H.K Asian at the time....
But 1 fateful day i pressed and BAM!!!!!

I hate it forever.....................THE END

Im not giving anymore details cuz if i do u will think im crazy :?

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:56 pm

You'd be surprised what people around here will accept as "normal." So shoot. And please, if you can, don't try so hard to be "l33t." I don't think you look as "cool" as you think you do, I'm sorry to say...
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Postby P-tan » Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:28 am

I dunno what ya just said but ok!
Why are the votes so one-sided?!!!

Can some1 h8 something and respect it at the same time?

Postby Teddy » Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:30 am

It's very possible to hate something and respect it. And like Gwen said, 'normal' around here is Nikkou running around nekkid, changes going off as we blink, etc. And our lives outside of MSF? I don't know 'bout everyone elses, but mines nothing 'normal'. I've got thoughts that if I expressed them anywhere else but here, I'd be viewed as a nut. So go ahead, share with us. IF there IS a story behind it. If not, you'll just be proving OWS, Beyond, and everyone else right.

But I digress and should focus at the topic at hand. Anime is, by definition, animation from Japan. So, unless you're a super genius with a plan to destroy Japan, I seriously doubt you can destroy anime. And if you're wondering why they're all one sided? It's an ANIME TF Fan site for cryin' outloud! And destroying anime isn't going to help anything... I HATE country music. But I'm not going around telling people how much I hate it and how I plot it's demise. Hate is fine, but EXCESS hate is bad. Excess hate is what you're doing and it grates on the nerves of others. But, again, I digress. I've ranted and derailed long enough.
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