What are you Lefty or Righty

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Are you Left handed or Right Handed

Poll ended at Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:16 pm

Total votes : 24

Postby Beyond » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:40 pm

Guendolen wrote:...the vast majority of people in this world are right-handed...

Not so true.

We are born ambidextrous. The enviroment is the one who makes us go towards one side or another.

We are capable of mastering any of them.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:44 pm

Not uniformly. I can use myself as an example here. My parents say that when I was a baby I almost always reached for things with my left hand, even if it meant reaching across myself or otherwise having to stretch in a way a young baby would typically not bother to do. So some people do tend to favor one hand over the other from the get-go.
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Postby Raijin » Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:04 pm

I can't use any tool like scissor or pencils ect with my right hand. Awhile when it comes to material arts I can do almost anything my left can, this doesn't make me both handed imo xP.
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Postby Monogatari » Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:12 pm

FYI: computers were designed with right handed people in mind.

i've seen a couple left handers use the mouse with their left hand
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:23 pm

I do! People always think it's SO weird to see me do that. I was even told I could reverse the click positions so I could do the main dominant-click with my index finger. But I was like, nah, I like it this way. Having to know to left-click when it says to right-click would be too confusing.
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Postby Raijin » Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:59 am

Monogatari wrote:FYI: computers were designed with right handed people in mind.

i've seen a couple left handers use the mouse with their left hand

Probably the only thing I can do with my right hand is use my mouse, but when it comes to drawing wacom board always on the left and some times find my self moving my mouse more to the left if I so draw with the mouse xD
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:28 pm

I'm a righty myself.
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Postby Miyukicl » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:03 am

left....my hand skills was so low that my manualities's teacher ( corect word???) angry with me , then all in house help me... still today i have realy bad moments with hand cordination activities
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Postby AnimaVex » Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:19 pm

I'm a right-handed, but I would have liked to be ambidextrous. However, I have the tendency to do things that I can do with both hands with either one. I mean, sometimes I open my cell phone with my left hand instead of the right, and I turn the pages of books using the left hand, too. It's odd, but I've gotten used to it. I'm also forced to write and draw using my right hand. (I need to learn how to draw using my left... I'm pretty sure I can do that, at the very least...)
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Postby Anamnesis » Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:02 pm

I can't draw, but I'm very precise with both hands. I lack the...ambition or creativity...maybe ability, to DRAW what I see. >.>
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:17 pm

I tried to break whatever habits of function that I had, after a SLED agent made a visit to the school to explain what they do and all that. One thing of which, was looking for patterns and habits, since people tend to learn how to do something a certain way and stick to it. Like putting your right shoe on first each time when you put on your shoes. So, I learned how to write with my left hand in proceeding days, and made a habit of trying different ways of doing things. The SLED agent that came had said that I would have made a good SLED agent... Thing is, I knew that he was just trying to inject some self-esteem to the hygiene-deficient kid in a winter jacket (during late Spring) that hadn't looked up from his desktop during the course of the class. In the end, I figured that I'd be more likely to be a criminal than a SLED agent. If so, I might as well conceive ways of outsmarting the law. XD;;
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Postby Sensei Kimiko » Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:29 pm

I am generally left handed though I can write with the right hand. Interestingly, when I right with my left hand it tends to resemble my father's style, but when I use my off hand I tend to write more like my mother. I throw better with my right hand, without ever really being pressured to learn it that way. It is sort of funny. I use right handed scissors, but I tend to hold them fixed and manipulate whatever I am cutting with my left hand.

I am of the belief that people have a hand preference, but that it isn't horrifically strong and can be overlearned with effort. I have also read somewhere that the majority of people described as ambidexterous show a slight preference with thier left hand, if all things are equal.

13% sounds about right, though I remeber going to a company meeting over here once and learning that all of the teachers in our region, about 12 people as I recall, were left handed. The boss replied to the effect "I knew there was something odd with you lot."
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:26 pm

Empyrean Nikkou wrote:I tried to break whatever habits of function that I had, after a SLED agent made a visit to the school to explain what they do and all that. One thing of which, was looking for patterns and habits, since people tend to learn how to do something a certain way and stick to it. Like putting your right shoe on first each time when you put on your shoes. So, I learned how to write with my left hand in proceeding days, and made a habit of trying different ways of doing things. The SLED agent that came had said that I would have made a good SLED agent... Thing is, I knew that he was just trying to inject some self-esteem to the hygiene-deficient kid in a winter jacket (during late Spring) that hadn't looked up from his desktop during the course of the class. In the end, I figured that I'd be more likely to be a criminal than a SLED agent. If so, I might as well conceive ways of outsmarting the law. XD;;

I believe you misjudged him, Nikkou. But one question...what is SLED?
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:41 pm

I don't think I misjudged him. I was there, so I should know. ;p

It means: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division

When I looked it up, I couldn't find anything specific about it. But I did find out that SLED agents have authority statewide, but should only do highway patrol and such if requested. I think. *Shrugs* I do know that they do a lot of things...
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:49 pm

Then why not try, and prove yourself wrong? If you never try, you never succeed!
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