by Musashi » Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:43 am
I chose "male" even though I don't really believe in assigning colors to a sex. Color is color. XD
I guess I was thinking of the whole "baby boys in blue, baby girls in pink" thing. Though apparently like about a hundred years ago or so, light blue was for little girls and light pink was for little boys. Pink was considered a watered-down red, and red was a "brave" and "boyish" color or something. And who knows what it was a hundred years before that, and who knows how it'll be a hundred years from now.
Me, I say COLOR IS FOR EVERYBODEH~! *Spazzes out and rolls around the room*
Item 1: ShounenAi Badger Badge
2: God of Bishounenkind Badge
3: FtM Badge
"Yer so funny in a harmlessly psychotic way ;-p" - Coru-moose
"You're like a ninja ferret on crack." - Zack
Dubbed "Moon Master" by Kata