IRC changes poll.

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Should there be a reshuffle of the powers that are in the #MSF channel on IRC?

Hm, don't really care since I don't go to IRC.
Yes, I think there should be a change in power, letting the good people of MSF decide on who their leaders should be.
Nah, MSF right now is fine as it should be.
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Total votes : 22

IRC changes poll.

Postby Tenshi » Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:32 am

Just out of curiousity to see what people's view are on the current status and situation on IRC and to also see if there are people that share the same view as me with it.

This poll will probably get locked or deleted, but meh, as if I care really.

From my point of view, the channel has really degraded a lot to the point where it becomes stressful to even read the chat due to a lot of the people in it.

Now, it's not against the rules to be annoying, but there is a certain limit to it and I see that the people in it get away with making people leave and other things that should've got them kicked a long time ago.

Yet, nothing seems to be done about it from the mods that are there. But alas, this is all from my point of view and probably means nothing.

And please, don't cheat vote by creating new accounts or vote in it if you don't frequent the chat room.

Anyway, just to cut it short, was wondering if the people in IRC think that there should be a vote if there should be changes or not.

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:36 am

Reshuffle of powers? *Blinks* Is that another way of saying that there's dissatisfaction with the current bunch? *Rads post* I guess so. XD

Tenshi wrote:This poll will probably get locked or deleted, but meh, as if I care really.

That hurts my feelings, y'know? T.T
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Postby Jayme » Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:44 am


WOW! Jayme voted in a poll!

OMG?! WTF?!?!

Anyways my vote wont come as any big surprise to anybody.. but yeah sure I personally think (not that people care what I think) a change in power would be a go--great thing..
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Postby Temet nosce » Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:47 am

Really Tenshi why did you even bother? Even if it isn't deleted our absent, corrupt, and conservative mods will arbitrarily ignore it. Of course this all assumes they pay enough attention to actually notice this. (No Nikkou you don't count since you aren't absent, corrupt, and conservative.)
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:00 am

Well, so long as people are civil and don't start slugging one another I don't see what's wrong with expressing something. (I can certainly think of worse ways. This seems to be decent at least, I guess.) But if you don't keep it cool you're gonna get schooled. Or something like that. Hey, it rhymed... How could I resist? ^_^;

Basically, just don't start a war. And I wouldn't recommend baiting either. Just keep this along the lines with how a poll topic should be and not a ground for an argument between conflicting sides.

I'm only saying that since this does have the potential to turn nasty if someone decides to turn it in such a direction.
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Postby Beyond » Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:08 pm

I hardly notice the ops... maybe we are in diferent timezones.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Apr 08, 2006 7:17 pm

nah. They have the sneaky feets. They can walk all over you and you wouldn't know! XD
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Postby ZeroForever » Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:01 pm

eh, i'm still around on irc use not as much as iuse to be, don't really understand what the problems people have with the mod's and other people are, personally it's all bullshit to me (pardon to the language but that's the bluntest way of putting it).
all and all i don't have issues with the way irc is right now, it's changed but in the end it's what you make of it.
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Postby Sophia Anieri » Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:38 am

Well, seems like I was the first one to vote that IRC is as it should be. I'll explain a bit what I mean by that. Certainly, people can get annoying from time to time, but when I have been in IRC lately the mood has for the most part been positive. I was pessimistic when Jayme and Hikari left the main channel that the life would go out of it. Not so. It's still very much alive, if a bit poorer for their absence.

Several months ago, there was a similar poll to this one, conducted by the mods via private messages. Odd as it may seem, the issue there was the opposite -- should the MSF mods allow IRC to run itself, or should they crack down on godmoding, violence, and violations of the PG-13 rule? The mods won that vote, but narrowly, and they did not really need to "crack down" as much as expected, because the dialogue fostered better behavior all around. So dialogue about the way MSF's IRC is going is a good thing, it just should be kept civil and not allowed to degenerate.

So, where do I think the IRC should go? I think it should stay for the most part the way it is now -- a little more mod activity wouldn't hurt, but near as I can tell they are active, and do deal with problems when they occur. What we can do to improve it is to inject fun and creativity into our IRC roleplay. As long as MSFers are having fun, IRC will stay on the right track.
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Postby Kumi-chan » Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:12 pm

The way the IRC is isn't the problem the problem is the same that is on the forums. Lack of mods. That is the only problem I've seen most of the time. Just no one activite to really enforce anything when it needs done. Rather than after the fact. But you know not much any of us can do. Yeah I know it is what the users make of it but keep in mind that random pointlessness cancels out a lot of what someone may spend a lot of time on. At least when Hikari and Jayme were there there was some RPish things going on. Now it seems like it is just pointless randomness. But I digress something does need to change.

And nothing against Xia or Kimiko I know they do try their bests and I have made it clear that if someone does see a problem email or PM me, Xia, Helel, or Kimiko. I maybe a middle man but I can talk to one of them to find a sulution.
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Postby Alex Vandar » Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:49 pm

I voted for a reshuffling of power.

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Postby Xia » Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:24 pm

Maiden Peaches N. Cream wrote:And nothing against Xia or Kimiko I know they do try their bests and I have made it clear that if someone does see a problem email or PM me, Xia, Helel, or Kimiko. I maybe a middle man but I can talk to one of them to find a sulution.

No offence Kumi, but adding a middle man only complicates the process. It would be best if people were to PM the mods directly.
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Postby Kumi-chan » Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:45 pm

None taken Xia. Just you know trying to help. If you don't like that then that is to bad. That is how I am. *grins*
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Postby Beyond » Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:50 pm

Maiden Peaches N. Cream wrote:At least when Hikari and Jayme were there there was some RPish things going on. Now it seems like it is just pointless randomness.

Beyond agrees.
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Postby Sensei Kimiko » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:14 am

When people are free to make thier own channel, for example Pinkcloud or Chris' bar, I don't see why people that are unhappy with the current arrangements don't set up thier own channel. Heck, I don't mind if you want to post an announcement about it on the boards.

The fact of the matter is though, Magical Sailor Fuku is Sakura's. While she can't stop you from trying to use the name in an outside context, if you want IRC or any other creative effort as a part of this community, she has the final say. The moderators, and even Eirien and me might influence that decision, but she makes it. She can and has overruled us. One thing I can be reasonably sure of on that. If you want an associated channel, you had better have a plan more extensive than "Let's remove the board moderators and make some new people ops."
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