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Solid, liquid, or gas?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:15 am
by Mitera Nikkou
I guess I'm a liquid. I'm pretty flexible. I can be calm and wild, deep and shallow, or nourish and wash away. It depends on the circumstances.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:25 am
by Mistress Guendolen
Anyone who's as hefty, thickly built, and practical as me couldn't be anything else but solid, I feel.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:35 am
by Raijin
I Know NOTHING O.O -flails arms-

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:17 pm
by P-tan
I'm a stolid! because no matter how many hardships I go through, nobody could change my mind about how evil anime really is!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:15 pm
by Stellar
I'm sublime ^_^

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:28 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Ah-ha! I knew you'd be sublime! :O That's why I added the other three... I was like, "Wait, Stellar would probably say something about one standard form not applying to her... Ah! I got it! Sublime! Skips the liquid either way. And there may be other people like Stellar as well, so... Oh-ho! Something between a liquid and a solid! And then there's the absence of matter... Maybe someone will pick that one. Sweatdrop."

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:35 pm
by Stellar
XD I'm glad you thought of me while making the poll. I was tempted to choose gas, but that only really applies when I vanish, then again, it's not even gas, I'd be plasma of sorts... And as for me when I'm not poofing around the universe... Well I don't really know... No one's ever disected an astrial being to know what their anatomy or chemestry is >.>

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:42 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
They are made of intergalactic space pudding. :3

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:40 pm
by SweetSophia
Viscid. Sticky, sticky viscid.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:50 pm
by Christina Anikari
Viscid. Maleable but takes forever to move.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:42 pm
by Kamal
Liquid all the way baby! Calm one second then a raging turrent the next! 8)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:13 pm
by Zeph
I'm plasma. But not the cool kind that gets shot out of stuff, the kind in fluorescent lights.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:30 am
by Beyond
I'm plasma. But not the kind in fluorescent lights, the cool kind that gets shot out of stuff.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:26 am
by Sensei Kimiko
Can I claim to be at the triple point?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:55 am
by Helel
Sensei Kimiko wrote:Can I claim to be at the triple point?

I'll make that claim as well.