by ZeroForever » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:07 pm
with eli i would say 1. have them battle it out, they win, but spare her, she refutes there pity and attempts seppaku from dishonor, they stop her and are forced to take her captive so she doesn't kill herself 2. another monster intervines and interrupts them mid fight, she takes it on but is swatted like a bug, they rescue her and drive/kill the monster, she refutes them and there help but collapses from injuries they help her out. 3. she wins but the beryl takes what would have been a fatal blow to eli pushing him out of the way or something like that, which almost kills beryl and plants seeds of doubt in elf's mind.
with selena most of the idea's i gave before i still valid though the reasoning is more sound. 1. have the village attacked but the hunters they try to kill her also, a. she defeats a few and meets some former comrades as well. they mess with her mind calling her monster etc.., she's saved by random outsider character b. she runs and excapes the village in the confusion and tracks her way to the boats the hunters used to get there, beat's up some sentrys and maybe recieve help from another vikar, who wants to leave as well. 2. There is another former transformed hunter i nthe village, who understand her plight, a. to old but made a escape in the past but decided to stay in the village b. is a traveling vikar and requests to have her as a apprentice or such (medicen person, or spell mistresses or something).
those are a few that i find could work decently though can be clinch they work, and do realize unless you want to introduce some strange element to the story which i don't knwo where the end story is headed so i can't decide on that. random example of events which can happen like a magical natural disaster event that effects everyone causing a stange scene, maybe leaking darkness in the non humans like the vikar transforming them into mindless beasts while sel isn't effected cause of her still partial change, she etc has to stop the cause when slowy changing more as well. prob some nexus of evil or demon vassel cauing it etc...