Hey, everyone! Got something more to show you! This has a story behind it. See, two weeks ago Anime News Network announced a contest to dream up the most cliched, stereotyped, hackneyed anime series premise you could, then present it to them as sincerely as possible.... With whatever support items alongside the basic plot summary you wanted. It's got a big prize package, once item of which is a deluxe boxed set of Trigun, which is of my favorite shows ever.... So I entered, got kind of carried away- and WON! I found out last night, and well, it absolutely floored me. I made all this stuff in the end because I was having so much fun doing it! I presented it in a fake fan site, making my own graphics, adopting an annoying teen fangirl voice, doing some art, and adding a few items to my Cafepress account for merchandise! Oh, and a guestbook with actual "entries," and a few "reviews." But I thought I'd post a link to the "gallery" here, as this is the art room and all. Here it is:
Though if you want to just start at the beginning, go here:
I just sort of felt that you people here might get a kick out of this. Especially given certain character features.
If you want to see the official announcement, go to
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com and follow the "Ask Answerman" link, scrolling down to the bottom section. This has gotten an an insane response in the forum- heck, someone even went and did a fan art for this thing! But I'm very happy indeed, and wished to share the art aspect. Hope you like it.