Dark Scout Cyclondia wrote:That is an excellent story! Check out my Stories. The one I update most Frequently is New Lives: Galactic Guardians. Here is the link to my stories: AshK's Fanfiction last Update: 03/24/2008
Good work! Keep up the story!
Okay I got your review. Have you read the New Lives Saga by Emma Iveli yet? You also need to read Galactic Guardians as well.
Here is the link to Emma's Fics. She is my Co-Author on New Lives: Galactic Guardians:
Emma Iveli's Fanfiction
Read New Lives, New Lives R, New Lives C, and Galactic Guardians before you jump into New Lives: Galactic Guardians.
Dark Scout Cyclondia
This isn't my topic, so perhaps I'm out of place to say this, but it's quite rude to advertise your fanfiction in another member's dedicated story topic. I've seen you do this before -- you make a post consisting of a single, short, unhelpful compliment like "Good story!" and then proceed to blatantly advertise your own stories without any further regard to the other member's content. This is very impolite -- the equivalent of interrupting someone who's in the middle of telling a story to say "That's nice, but now listen to my story." This steals the original poster's thunder and quite frankly makes you look like an attention whore. If you want to advertise your fiction, make your own thread.
I'm sorry to further derail this thread, but I feel that this should be followed by all members and thus needs to be said publicly. DSC, if you want to discuss this more, please PM me.