414 images, 21 pages. All for you guys.

http://s724.photobucket.com/albums/ww24 ... o_Onizuka/
Moderator: Raleigh
Grayfield wrote:Hmm... I don't watch Gundam, so although I recognise the (frequently transgendered) character, I don't know the name s/he's mentioning...
What s/he's saying is "Th-this is..." "(Name)'s wish/will!" Another translation might be "Th-this is the will of (name)!" but the first seems to suit better.
The name is Veeda or Ueeda or something similar. Ring any bells?
Also Akibakko is apparently closing down on april 1st, so the link won't last forever, peeps...
Cute pic though
Ookalf wrote:Hey, Josie. That Doctor Octopus pic isn't a TG'd Otto Octavius. That's an actual, seperate character from the comics.
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