Long time no see, folks. In case you haven't been talking to me lately, you probably don't know that creating TF artwork is pretty difficult for me these days, as my computer/art desk is in the same room as the desks for my three other roommates, and someone is ALWAYS peering over my shoulder to look at my work.
Flattering? Yes. Helpful to the MSF community? No.
So I have to work on other things while my TF-related commissions just pile up until my week long break coming up this weekend, upon which I will be able to do them with great gusto. In the meantime, here are some not-so-good things I've preoccupied myself with.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... ceChen.jpg
From an RP that I really don't play much anymore. It's a human monk, and a black human monk at that. There aren't enough brothers and sisters in D&D, am I right?? I like it, but it's on
lined paper, which I berate people for drawing on all the time. It was drawn in the oh-so-boring liberal arts Physics class I'm in, so that's my excuse.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... resent.jpg
My birthday present for Musashi. I'd make more presents for all you guys, but I'm just too swamped with schoolwork...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... eGoku1.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... eGoku2.jpg
The first of what will likely be a series of Dragonball images from a twist I thought up for the series. That twist basically being that Saiyans are not only ruthless super-powered killers, but they are an entirely female race, a la the Gerudo from OoT. Yes, I AM creative. Anywho, these just show how the series would run if Goku, Vegeta, and all the other saiyans were girls.... Yes, how original.
And I know a lot of you guys poo poo on the Dragon Ball series, but I for one enjoy it. I'm a sucker for quality action-oriented anime, I 'spose.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... Sketch.jpg
Here's another DB image that I made ages ago, but forgot about. It's all light and sketchy, but if I found it, I could spruce it up and all that stuff.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... eisure.jpg
One of the things I've been keeping busy with artwise when I can't draw TF stuff for you guys is avatars for myself, since the only picture I have of myself is quite bad. This was my first attempt...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... Marth1.jpg
...And my second. It's me as Marth from the Fire Emblem series, and the bane of most Melee players. The SLB on the bottom stands for "Student Life Building", where me and other Melee-ites compete in fierce battle. One of the people there, Ivan, is supposedly the best player on campus, and I'm the only person that can consistently beat him. Wonder what that makes me. >:D
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ ... eNinja.jpg
And finally the last image. The Marth one was just too plain, I think. So I made a more vibrant, if less ideal, self-portrait. What can I say? I'm my own favorite subject.
And yes, I DO own a Naruto headband, and not one of those new ones at Hot Topic. I bought mine in Japan, baby. BEFORE IT WAS COOL.