Ry and Ken make really cute bunnygirls.
The pics for this one are by a different artist, Short Circuit (
http://short-circuit.sblo.jp/) by pseudonym. I tried to be a bit more liberal with the translation this time in order to try and make the lines flow better. Tell me what you think

Demitri: Hahaha... Seems we have a fresh new set!
Ken: Wha- Who the hell are you?
Ryu: ...
On a dusty American plain, a large, muscular man had appeared before the destined rivals Ryu and Ken.
He was dressed very strangely.
D: Well-meaning rivals, huh? ...Amusing. How amusing!
The man then teleported right in front of Ryu and Ken and grabbed them by the collars of their clothing.
<before pic>
K: B-Bastard! What do you think you're doing?
No matter how physically imposing one is, it seemed inconceivable to Ryu and Ken that one man could grab each of them with only one hand so easily.
D: Hahaha! You're about to find out! Midnight Bliss!
<after pic>
K: Huh? Wha- What the hell is this!?
R: ...!!
In an instant not only had Ryu and Ken been turned into members of the fairer gender, but they had also been garbed in bunnygirl costumes.
After this, with their physiques reduced to that of soft and supple women, it was quite obvious the two were going to have a hard time prsuing the path of the martial artist...
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go find a way to stem this nosebleed...