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Re: Muffinstud: Magical Sailor Fuku Challenge Story

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:55 pm
by Queen Octavia
edit - hey, the OP vanished! Well, that sure makes me look awkward >.<


It defeats the entire point of the challenge - something NEW.

*borrows muffinstud and turns him blue for this grievous offense*

Now, I did have two chapters to the sequel on my hard drive that have since been lost to fickle deletion - but oh well.

In any event though, I'll get crackin'. This might sound a little weird, but I dream lots of stories when I sleep at night. I seldom write or remember them for more than a week. I'll sleep on this tonight and get crackin' tomorrow.

Re: Muffinstud: Magical Sailor Fuku Challenge Story

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:26 am
by Mitera Nikkou
Yeah, what happened to the original OP? Maybe Xia was a dunderhead and split it away.

I think I remember this story, and it was pretty decent. I'd feel better if I could read it again, to be sure. XD

Re: Muffinstud: Magical Sailor Fuku Challenge Story

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:42 am
by Queen Octavia
The story, and most of the things I write just especially for MSF are on my much neglected freeweb site.

linky to story:

I've really been slacking off with my new addition. I had one idea I really like, but the scope is too long and it's rather dark. The gist of it was some evil physic vampire alieny monsters come to earth for shenanigans and tea, and a magical girls have to stop them. Sound familiar? Thing is, that's not the story, that's the background. Turns out that the magical girls lost, died and the bad guys won several generations ago. The planet is in control of the aliens, and they basically enslave humanity as a farm to feed on the psychic energy of our suffering. And then the protagonists show up, a story ensues, and everyone gets a tshirt.

So yeah, too dark & too long ><.

Re: Muffinstud: Magical Sailor Fuku Challenge Story

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:08 am
by Mitera Nikkou
Maybe if you started with the fichu. ;p

*Goes off to read that story~*

Re: Muffinstud: Magical Sailor Fuku Challenge Story

PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:22 am
by muffinstud
Hey, just because it's old, doesn't discount the awesome. I realize that this is a quest to get new material made, and hopefully by reading your story, new writers can pull from its many many many good points while making their own.

Also been considering doing something myself. Let's see if I un-lazy myself and do it, shall we?

Re: Muffinstud: Magical Sailor Fuku Challenge Story

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:07 pm
by Queen Octavia
You'd better.

I finally got around to starting writing mine today.