by AmbushCat » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:27 pm
Alrighty, I got my submission ready.
"Annabella, are you there? We've got a monster sighting at the county museum, and it's got a hostage! We've gotta go!"
Annabella confirmed that she was on the way and hung up, cursing quietly. It never failed---right when she was in the middle of relaxing, Adonis would send in one of his beasties somewhere to wreck havoc. This was getting really old, really fast.
She sighed. Well, it's better than getting a call while I'm busy. Once more into the breach, I guess. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she clutched her pendant and held it up towards the sky.
"Hyperion Moon Power, Make Up!"
Immediately Annabella felt a rush of power filling her to the core. She held her hands out before her, welcoming it and granting it refuge as a pair of gloves took form out of pure nothingness.
As ever when she transformed, her thoughts turned to the magnificent lights in the northern skies and the wonders they proclaimed. The imagery wrapped itself around her, manifesting themselves in the forms of a bodysuit, ribbons, a collar and skirt, all in shades of purple and royal blue to match her hair's gradient effect. High-heeled knee-high boots appeared almost as an afterthought.
A desire to help her friends and to protect those who needed it filled her thoughts, and she held out her left hand. A sword of darkest ebony coalesced there, glittering gems in the colors of the northern lights decorating both sides. The hilt fit into her hand as well as the glove did.
Confirming the course she had taken for herself, a silver tiara, blue earrings and a choker---all with the same star-motif upon them---materialized in their proper places. With a smile, she held her sword away from her at an angle with her left hand and clenched her right hand close to her heart... and with a suddenness that never ceased to surprise her, power stopped rushing into her, signalling that the sequence was completed.
To many it would have felt like half a minute had elapsed, though in truth the entire transformation had taken less than two seconds.
All business now, Annabella jumped to the property's fence and from there to the roof of her house. She pinpointed the location of the county museum and hurried there as quick as she could, sometimes leaping clear over houses and streets in her rush. Somewhere over there was a monster that needed obliterating and a citizen that needed to be returned to his or her daily life. She knew what needed to be done, and she wanted to do it.
She was the Soldier of Auroras and Luxury, Sailor Hyperion, and she would never have it any other way.

It's a trifle, if ever was.
SpamLady Supreme -- By Caprice, 8/16/2017