Yet another art thread...

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Yet another art thread...

Postby Goose » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:59 pm

Yeah, this is my second art thread. ... amus_2.jpg ... amus_3.jpg ... hFinal.jpg

The first two are some old works of Samus Aran, my favorite game character. The third, however, is new. It's a bishi-fied Nakoruru, a request of sorts from Vierge. I'm pretty happy how it turned out.

Anyway, any request you want to share with the forum can be brought here. I'll have some more new and old stuff to post later.
Last edited by Goose on Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Deathscythe13x » Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:47 pm

whoa that last one is awesome... i like her as a girl more though
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Postby Duck » Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:37 pm

Goose... can I make a request here...

I saw what you did with alyta, and I thought it was amazing... I was wondering if you could do it with me...

* I'm about 135 lbs.. so I'm fairly skinny...
* I've got glasses, so those would be a must...
* I love pants with lots of pockets in them... so cargo pants are very nifty
* My hair would be long... and loose, almost like I just let it hang.. kinda...
* I'm a dork, so that would have to show. Gaming and anime and comics...
* Average height I guess... and pretty casual style..

If you could do this... that would be awesome.

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Postby Goose » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:07 pm

I'll do it, no problem. ^_^ I do need to know your hair color before I get started though...

(This is what Ahiru is talking about, by the way. I intend to clean it up some time soon.)
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Postby Duck » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:20 pm

My hair would be brownish to blonde... Thank you.. you do rock!

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Postby Goose » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:25 pm ... quest1.jpg

Here ya go. Ahiru reading a mystery comic... or manga... or TV Guide. Whatever ^_^;;
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Postby Duck » Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:59 pm

Thank you Goose! It's GREAT! Very much Kudos to you!

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Postby Bowser ala Femme » Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:21 pm

Ooo..super job, Gooses! *puts a cool bandana on Goose's head.* Well, I have seen all of these great works, and I was wondering if I could have one done for my character. ^.^;;

Well, erm, if so, here is what Ito looks like:

Ito is more-or-less a raccoon girl (tanuki. >.>). She has the ears and a raccoon tail with about three or four bands in it. Think neko girl, but replace the neko ears and tail with raccoon attributes. (Skin-tone is a creamy white)

Ito is skinny, but not too skinny (you know, anime/manga girl proportions. >.>). Her bist is a generous size, being not too large or small. Her stature is basically average.

Her hair reachers down to her mind back, strait, but she has "side-bangs" that are swirlly (lavatar picture for reference).

Her eyes are framed by glasses, as well.

Now, for her outfit, Ito is dressed as a maid (though she is the most lazy maid I have ever seen, if you ask me. ^.^) I will get into detial about her attire: The sleeves are some-what "poofy" at the shoulder and the sleeves extend all the way to her hands, and goes over the middle-finger with a loops. The base color of the outfit is black. The collar of the outfit shows a bit of cleavage and ruffles cover the chest. it hugs her curves, and the back (just below the small of the back) has a large bow. There is also a bit of lace around the area where the skirt and top meet. The skirt is a bit short, but still covers her, and has, yes, ruffles and bows along it too, with underlaying peticoats. She has on the "standard" apron of the profession. She wears heels, no more than an inch or two high (bows with a flower center piece), and has stockings which stop at about mid-thigh and continue on with garters. There is a feather duster in her hand that is more than just a simple duster. >.> On her head there is a headband to hold back hair that matches her outfit with a few ruffles and bows.

Well, I tried to be as discriptive as possible. ^.^;; And, yes, I know she is a stereotype. >.>;

Well, if you could do this, I would appreciate it ever so much! ^.^ Once again, keep it up, Goose.

P.S. GREAT Webcomic!
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Postby Goose » Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:51 pm


That's easily the most descriptive request I've ever had... I'll take it!

What I'll likely end up doing is making a rough sketch, showing it to you to make sure it meets all your criteria, and then finish up. It's not what I usually do, but considering your winded description, I'm guessing you want this just right. Which is fine by me of course. Being let loose to create my own thing with whatever ideas you guys have is fun, but so is working together to create something great ^_^

Unfortunately, it's on the back burner until at least tomorrow. I've got classes and other requests to fulfull, but I'll get on it as soon as I can.
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Postby Bowser ala Femme » Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:09 pm

S'ok. I understand. Take as much time as you need. I HATE rushing people. Oh, and about my incredibly detailed discription. When I try to describe something, I try to make it as easy visualize as possible. I try to let other people see what I am imagining in my head. It can sometimes be a bad habbit when you try to do a fast paced RP, though. >.>;
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Tanooki Sketch

Postby Goose » Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:17 pm ... _Maid1.jpg

I'm pleased with how clean it looks so far. That's usually a good sign for me that it's going to come out well. I wasn't going to ink it, but the black and white color scheme just begs it. I do need to know her hair color though.

I left out the bows on purpose, and the tail on accident. The right arm has no sleeve yet for a reason. As a lefty, I have to leave the left side of the paper pretty clean so that I can work right to left. All the things I left out will be in there when I finish up, possibly tonight.

I also wanted you to consider leaving off the glasses. One, I'm not so good at drawing them, and two, there are no ears (human ones, anyways) to hold them up. If you have a good explaination for how those glasses would stay on, however, then I'll manage something...

If there's anything else you see that I omitted, feel free to tell me in whatever manner best fits the neighborhood you grew up in.
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Postby Bowser ala Femme » Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:32 pm

Wow, that's great Goose! The glasses can be omitted, it's no big deal. It is looking great so far. Oh, and Ito's hair is blonde, eyes purple, and..shtuff. ^.^; Well, keep it up, Goose! ^.^
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Postby Kumi-chan » Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:08 pm

Cute! That's my Ito-tan! Nice work goose. I can't wait to see the final product.
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Postby Goose » Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:02 pm ... _Maid5.jpg

It needs a background, but I only remembered that after I gave it to James to host it... All well, maybe later ^_^;;

Anyway, other than that, I'm pleased with it. I hope you like it as much as I liked making it, Ito ^_^
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Postby Bowser ala Femme » Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:09 pm

o.o *shakes really faster.* MUU! Ito loves it, Goose! I love you! *smothers Goose in kisses, a dnt cuddles.* You did duch a great job with it! ^.^ !! *huggles again and then pounces and huggles Kumi*
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