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[Request] WebComic commissions?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 6:55 pm
by Eri Anikemi
Hello all. I've been working together with a script writer for an ongoing webcomic called Exiern. He's creating a script that would best be described as a "Magical Girl Western." Sadly, the girls are not the focus of the story, but antagonists. The main character's are two males, the brash young Kid and the old grizzled Stranger.

The whole thing is done very much in the theme of the classic American western.

The offer is simple. We can offer a flat fee of 25$ per panel. That is, a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper with several shots on it, cut up much like a comicbook page would be. The pages need to be in color. The comic will require one page per week minimum. 1/2 of the donations will be given to the artist in question. But if no donations are forthcoming, the only price we can guarentee is 25$ per page.

Anyone who is interested, please PM me. If you are interested in the proposal, but not the subject matter, please PM me as well, I would like to know if it's the artwork, or the price that causes problems.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:27 pm
by Lucky
This comic sounds quite interesting indeed. Hope you find someone to draw it!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:37 pm
by Coruscate
Braden (Zack) is charging me $40 a page for my writing, your writing may be different depending on what kind of panel work you're asking for.

Loppi is asking me for $30 a page, once again, I expect her, like Zack, to charge you for your writing style, depending on what's going on.

Mind you, that's for PENCILS ONLY.

But I ask for pencils only since I'm an awesome colorist and I can make it look **** hot!

Get a DeviantArt account and ask around on the job services forum.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:18 am
by Neige
Yeah, not tryin' ta be mean but that's not a whole lot for that kinda work, I do cartoon comics and it's not always easy to finish it within a week, and that's cartoon, and simplistic in a lotta ways, now if ya make it anime that's tons harder, then to get me.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:14 pm
by Eri Anikemi
Thank you all to everyone who's responded to my request. I have finally settled on an artist, and am working with my friend to co-write the story to go with it. I want to thank everyone who pmed or posted a resonce for me, and I hope we might work together in the future.

Good luck, and keep up the good art.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:42 pm
by Lucky
Post a link to the comics when they go up. I want to see them.