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Interesting idea....The Poketan Pokedex

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:19 pm
by Nashiko
in an attempt to bring some life around here...i'm starting this for all the artists out there!! we shall each draw poketans for this pokedex!

here's how it'll go....we shall start from the the first pokemon in the pokedex, then go in order drawing them!....there are only 3 rules to this whole thing!

1. the poketan must have some traits or have a slight resemlance to the pokemon it's based on (obviously)
2. you draw the pokemon and ALL of it's evolutions (ex. if you draw Bulbasaur, you also draw Ivysaur and Venusaur)
3. have some fun with it!

alright...first pokemon on the line up! Bulbasaur and it's evolutions!




my inability to draw makes me unable to do this idea....but come on artists and step up to the challenge!