by Zack Gongaga » Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:30 pm
Figuring out a way that line thickness would look good... well, here's some tips that might help you.
-Thick lines for close up, thin lines for far away (Our at least outlining something with slightly thicker or more detailed lines when it's supposed to be close up, and contrasting that with thin lines detailing something far away)
-Using line width to describe an object.. i.e. Where you're drawing a leg, maybe you thicken the line slightly around where it bulges out into a calve, then thin it some as you go in towards the ankle.
I'd suggest experimenting one day with multiple thickness ink pens to figure out your own way. Or..or buy that one issue of 'How to be a Manga Artist!' that AP published a while back, where Fred Perry showed how he inked sketches... that...was awesome...