hmmmm, sooo anyways, new captions... buuuuut Im just ponderin, cause as usual Im sorting my computer and organizing images and putting some in my "captionable pics" bin... Im also going thorugh all the captions from everywhere and anywhere that I have had on my computer since forever, and I'm getting rid of alot of the old stuff, generally from places I cant remember with poor text or poor english or are blurry or whatever. And also any that aren't too special or such, basically just keeping the pinnacle of captioneering, annnnd as Id like to get back in the capping swing of things sooner or later, I would like to avoid trite-ness in my future caps... soooo I'm braingstorming on what to do with the images I have and also am getting rid of anything that might lead to just a bland or overused idea..... sooooo hopefully when I get started again I can make some good ones, they may be sub-par to what I'm aiming at, buuut hopefully theyll get better as time passes and I get constructive criticism... soooOOOOoooOOOoo stay tuned