Ancient Remnants: Aaron/Logan

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Ancient Remnants: Aaron/Logan

Postby Aaron » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:57 pm

Name: Aaron Nockan
Race: Human
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian- Level 1
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Dark brown, cut short
Skin Color: Dark Tan
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 230 lbs

Physical characteristics: Well built, but apart from some strange markings on his chest and back, nothing stands out. The markings look strangely like tribal tattoos and disappear when he changes form.

Strengths: pretty strong with decent athletic ability, above average intelligence, and good oral and verbal skills. His markings contain a magical enchantment that causes him to teleport out of the way whenever his life is about to be lost, although he cannot control it. The markings and the ability dissappears when he changes form.

Weaknesses: The markings also have a strange affect on magical abilities. Most long lasting abilities (such as transformations) have a tendency to get removed whenever he falls asleep. But the affects can also be random at times, making some affects last for several days. This affect leaves him with great annoyance, seeing as he controls none of the magical affects on his body. This also means that he has no magical ability of his own.

Possessions: A bo-staff


Name: Logan Kinkaid
Race: Human
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Level-2
Eye Color: Brown
Hair:light brown, cut shoulder length
Skin Color: Dark Tan
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 230 lbs

Physical Characteristics: Like Aaron, he holds the same markings, although they are slightly lighter. They also dissappear when form is changed.

Strengths: Like Aaron, the markings hold the same life protecting affect when he is in his normal form. Unlike Aaron, Logan is also an accomplished herbologist, specializing in medicinal and enchanting herbs. His magical abilities are slight and all plant based and can create significant affects. Most notably, he can cause plants to grow or regenerate, although herbs are the simplest he can do without tiring himself out. He also holds Aaron's oral and verbal skills, although he isn't a physical specimen

Weaknesses: The enchantment on the markings present the same random affects on Logan that they do on Aaron. In addition to this, the recharge time that the seals require for their defensive abilities to take place increases, although not truly at a significant level. Aside from not being a fighter, Logan also has a general aura of creepiness about him which manifests itself when he's talking about his potions. This makes him sound quite condescending which, in reality, he really is. He is also more interested with the affects of his potions then he is with any individuals well-being.



The war took place in a time before time, a universe without stars or planets or even diverse forms of life. At that time, there were only the spirits, the only immortals this plane would ever be allowed to see. They each controlled something, some element, some aspect. Some relied on others for their power while some stood alone. There were no less then ten of them. Although seemingly unable to die, the pains of war and battle were still inflicted. There was one among them in particular who relished the battle. Like all the others, he had no name, so he was known only by what he could control, pressure. The being could alter the gravity, making the weapons of the other spirits too heavy to lift against him. The battle raged on for an indiscriminate amount of time. But it would end soon. A spirit charged into pressure. It was the first time it unleashed it's full ability. The attacking spirit, the one who embodied the existence of mirrors and reflections, it's body was crushed within his massive power until a point in which it's body was too small to hold it's. What came afterwards was a massive explosion powerful enough to relieve all the sprits of their consciousness.

When the dieties affected by the attack awoke, they found that their numbers were now two less. Their universe was different as well. There were new lights in the sky, stars. There were new bodies of matter, the planets. There were also other organisms that were living.

The source of all these changes, the spirit of pressure was ravaged by the explosion. His body was no longer there, being spread throughout the universe. At the core of it, his essence was all that remained. To prevent him from regaining his power, he was sealed away. But the spirits agreed that they could not trust any of their kind with the powers as the temptation to try to use it and risk unleashing the force would be too great. They decided that the best method was to seal in within one of the newer, powerless, and most importantly, mortal beings. But the everlooming threat that the diety of pressure could escape still existed. To prevent this, the spirits combined to place five gates within the prison, each requiring an immense amount of power to unlock.

The spirits, now knowing what their fued had done, became nuetral beings, existing for the sole purpose of allowing the new creatures to exist.

Aaron and Logan, in reality, are the same person, the latest in the line of holders of the essence. To prevent the creature to escape upon one holders death, they must transmit the essence to another being, who must accept it as the next holder. In doing so, all the gates are renewed and the power sealed as long as the gates can hold. When one gate is passed, more of the beings energy is released. Logan is the version of Aaron when one gate is passed, although neither know the other exists. This isn't to say that the being surpassing the gate does so permanently as his power can slip far enough away to revert Logan back to Aaron. But the surpassing of the first gate does mean that the being of pressure is awake, which means the prevention of the release of the old diety of pressure is now left up to the new Guardians of the power.
Last edited by Aaron on Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Aaron » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:43 pm

Background: Part 2

Aaron doesn't really know how he came to the realm called "emesseff" He just seemed to be there one day. He has been wary of others ever since he became a guardian, as things related to the past seem to set off the gates, causing an unbelievable amount of pain to himself. As a result, he tends to stay back quite a bit.

Aaron's world is much like what earth is. A world consisting of societies built on economies, politics, and the like. In that world, Aaron (and the subsequent alts) led a quiet life of subsistence. In fact, the only siginificant difference between Aaron's earth and the earth of today is the group known as Guardians.

Calling them "Guardians" is quite misleading, as there is only ever one of them at a time. The guardian is charged with maintaning the seals, which in turn prevent the hostile spirit sealed up within them from being released.

But maintaning the gates is simple. Since the guardians were discovered, each era of their existence has been hunted by some group or another, not seeking the release of the spirit, but seeking to become the next Guardian in the lineage. The current hunter has set up his career to hunt the Guardian. This hunter is known only as The General to most of the populace, particularly the rebellion seeking to overthrow him.

The general has managed to gain control over most of the world in his realm and has spies going through the other realms in his plane. He had come close to gaining the guardian powers when he hunted down the last Guardian. But even as he was the one to destroy her, the Guardian sent her powers away, hoping they'd be free from the General's hands. The powers found Aaron, a rather normal 6-year-old boy in a rather normal family that were thrust into the forefront as the rebellion sought to protect him from the General and the General sought to steal the boy's powers at all costs.

When the boy's family sided with the rebellion, his life became a routine of running from whatever force the general sent after him. It was like this for two years until the General finally managed to corner the boy. But just when he thought he had won, the seals activated and the boy disappeared. He has sought the boy throughout, only to find that the boy was no longer on his or any other realm.

When Aaron woke up, he was much older and in an entirely foreign world. His powers had changed. He seemed stronger now then before, although on the surface it wasn't as much as the locals. The seals had chosen realm of this plane to escape the persecution of the General. How long that peace would last, he did not know.
Last edited by Aaron on Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Aaron » Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:03 pm

Name: Anton
Race: Human
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian- Level 3
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: dark brown brown, cut short
Skin Color: Dark Tan
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 195 lbs

Physical Characteristics: Anton is the third stage of the Guardian progression, following the crossing of the second gate. He was brought out when a hunter from his home plane exposed him to hefty chunks of demon and angel bane, the reaction of which allowed the third gate to be broken. He is also the first unstable form, meaning that when he is knocked out, the seals will burn off the excess energy to maintain him, bringing the gates back down to one of the stable levels (Aaron or Logan). Anton's weight is nearly all muscle. His skin tone is slightly darker then that of his former selves.

Strengths: Anton is the strongest of the shown stages, both physically and magically. Level 3 represents the guardian level with perfect balance between the seal's defensive capabilities and the offensive magical ability. Because of that, Anton gains much more of the pressure based powers that the spirit sealed within has. This can manifest itself in many ways, whether it be manipulating gravity or simply flinging a rock at something.

Anton is also the first stage that the spirits of the previous guardians actually appear in. Because of this, he knows not only of his past selves (which Aaron and Logan did not until Anton appeared and left them detailed notes explaining everything), but of all the previous guardians, right down to the very first Guardian whom the powers were created for.

Weaknesses: As soon as Anton loses consciousness, the seals burn off the excess energy, meaning that Anton can only remain as long as he stays awake. Because of this and the incredible amount of energy required to break the third gate, Anton doesn't show up often.

The enhanced magical ability also comes with it's own price. In between uses, the seals must recharge their energies. The recharge time increases with each stage, making Anton the most vulnerable to attack if a person can predict where the seals are taking him (a feat the General achieved when his scientists created occular implants that could follow the unique energy of the Guardian, a feat which he calls Seal-sight).


Beyond the knowledge of most people, the world is actually one of the smallest units of existence. Rudimentarily speaking, beyond the world is the solar system, to the realm, to the universe and, finally, to the plane. This is fundamentally misleading, for each plane only actually has one universe, the different dimensions of it being simply phases of it, all part of the multiverse that combines to make up the universe.

It's the plane that the real confusion begins for, even though people of one universe might call something a plane, it is far too often mislabled as simply a different dimension. The planes themselves don't have names, for until recently, plane-jumping was the rarest thing that could ever happen. Realm (or dimension) hopping is quite common between realms, but opening a plane's gate was only hypothetical.

The newest guardian, however, changed that. When the powers that created the seals on his body determined that his realm, nay, his plane was no longer safe from the those who hunted the guardian, they released an energy unlike one seen anywhere on any plane. The power weakened the plane's gate and the guardian became the first known plane-jumper.

Following his jump, the previously unsurmountable barrier between the planes was weakened enough for a being in the plane that the guardian arrived in was capable of jumping to the guardian's home plane.

That creature arrived to find that it's power was greatly diminished. Only a shell of it's original self, this creature joined with the Guardian's biggest enemy (known to most only as The General) to allow for the technology for planewalking to be invented.

Whether this will affect the current guardian remains to be seen.
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