It's not tree sap.

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

It's not tree sap.

Postby Amber » Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:58 am

stats in () are for Chris' Bar RP
Name: Amber Tomiyama
Age: About the phyiscal age of 20
Height: 5'8 ish (5'6)
Weight: light
Hair: commonly brown in pig tails (Long white)
eyes: green (blue)
Species: Human
Place of Orgin: Kyrnn
Class: Sorceress
Job title: Head Librarian of the Database and head Waitress at Chris' Bar

Amber is a general praticioner of magic and relys on the principle of mana which comes in five different colors (White, Blue, Black, Red, Green) This Mana comes from the land itself, however while she can access all colors of magic she only has direct control of Red, Blue and Green and use of the other two colors can be danerous. While she is a general praticioner of magic if a high level Tranformation spell is used on her. Her magic shifts a bit into spheres and would favor spell align with the new form.

Amber personality can be quite mischivous at times but she has a kind heart and respects people. Sometimes she can have a hothead and get a bit mad at the littlest things but most of the time she is in good humor and willing to lend a helping hand to people who need it. She also quite curious willing to explore things and sometimes can get over her head while trying out a new spell. She also can be a bit flirty around people she likes.

While Amber has a variety of spells and Items at her exposal, she prefers to have fun with the people around here and only uses her abilites to accent the experance. Her items include her pink wand and the mini-Codex which can alter a person mentally and phyiscally for about an hour or so. She has a few other items on hand might play a role later in various adventures.

Recently Amber has sign up with Chris to be a waitress for Chris bar. While there she appears as a woman with long white hair and blueish purple eyes, her demurer is quite polite and respectful, willing to get a person about anything they want. Her magic seems a bit more limited while at Chris' bar with her only able to cast spell that help with her duties, entertain the guest or what chris allows her to do.

Comments are welcome
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Postby Jayme » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:35 pm

I know this isn't exactly criticism but the questions have arisen as I read..

what do the the 5 colors represent, are they elements, aspects of nature, or what exactly? and if they represent elements, how come she only draws power from the land (I mean why not fire, why not the waters, or the air, or the icy grounds that entrap the land) All and All its ok at the moment, but where's the detail of how she came to acquire her magic? Did she just pick it up by herself?

Also from experience I know you have items from books and movies, how did Amber come to acquire these? Or does she pull them from nowhere in times of randomness? And without the wand, where does that leave her power?

Thats all I got at the moment XP sorry my brains not working but o.o I wanna know!
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Postby Amber » Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:58 pm

The five colors reperesent not elements but different aspects of Magic. White magic is of Order and Unity, Light and Devine. White Mana can be draw from anywhere though it's very hard to do and can usally be found in plains or land structures that are have plain like features. Blue Magic is the magic of Intellgence and Ideas, Water and Wind. Blue mana comes mainly from Island sources with AMber having a focus on Kimiko's Island Shrine. Black Magic is of Necromancy, Death, Decay, Darkness, and Demonic. With Black mana coming from Swamps and Bayous. Red Magic is the magic of Fire and earth, Chaos and Destruction. This mana can usually be draw from mountains and volcano which Amber having a focus on Eirien House which lays in a wooded mountain range. Green Magic is about Nature and Life, Growth and Evolution. With Green mana being most pentiful in Forest regions which Amber has a focus in thanks to living with Eirien.

Mana in on itself is colorless and radiates from the universe itself. Only when it's absorb by a planet and reflected out will for a time mmana be filtered enough for a mage to craft a spell of a certain type. You still need some sort of connection to a land form to draw this mana from. Usually this connection is symbolize by a focus that can be from the size of a gemstone to a depends on how much mana does a mage want to draw at a time. Amber wand servers as a sort of mana filter and connection to her focus so she doesn't have to be there to draw mana. There are six stones on her wand with five reperesenting each of the five colors (Pearl, Shappire, Jet, Ruby, Emerald). the sixth gem function in this arrangement is currently under OOC Redesign.

As for where Amber learned how to use this style of magic, it' a bit of a mystery as no one has bother to asked her. before coming to the plane where MSF reside. She visited many planes to find one that she can call home. One such plane was Domania where she was found the worlds magic much like her native plane of Kyrnn and enrolled at a wizard school to learn more about this new form of magic and how to use it. (more probabily to come from this)

As for her items. She was given most by her friends and she rarely just pulls something out of nothing for unless it's uncanon. The Abridge Codex was given into her trust by Eirien when she began to work there and help Eirien understand more about her own codex. A magical Tarot deck of mysterious powers which is governed by what cards you draw was created by a joint effort of Eirien and herself. her wand of pink oak was creafted with the help of Kimiko The wand only serves as an aid to where Amber doesn't have to tap into her own mana reserves to cast spell and without the wand she has a much more difficult time controling and casting spells. The BAR-4 was a loan from Hikari to test out and check for bugs. the RC-BR remote was also a gift from Hikari to help test the RC-BR turret system. While she relies on her own skills and powers she has been know to use the gifts and trust that her friends gave her for mischief and interesting results.
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Postby Jayme » Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:32 am

Hmm I didn't mean those items that were handed to you, I mean you use items from books and movies sometimes.. I was wondering how you do this?
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Postby Amber » Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:40 am

I have access to a small pocket dimesion which can be summon to produce things I can't carry around or don't want on my person readily. I rarely get to use it as I normal don't need anything in it most of the time and it would take to long to summon outside of battle.

Here something I been working on with Kimiko.

Amber Tomiyama
Class: Sorceress
Mind: 8
Body: 5
Soul: 8
Health: 50
Energy: 80
ACV: 7
DCV: 5

Dynamic Sorcery Level 5
Divine Relationship Level 2
Amber Wand (item of power) Level 3
Detect Magic Level 1
Place of Power (Amber room) (red) Level 1
Place of Power (Kimiko shrine) (Blue) Level 1

Gaming (TCG) Level 2
Cultural Arts (occultism) Level 2
Archery Level 1
Cooking (home) Level 2
Artisan (painting) Level 1
Japenese (language) Level 1
Draconic (Language) Level 1
Writing (Academic) Level 1

Not so Strong Level 1
Not so tough Level 1

Amber Wand - A pink wand that connects Amber with her places of powers by the five gem on her wand. Which symblize the colors of magic she respects.

(more to come)
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Postby Amber » Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:58 pm

Mickael (no last name recorded)
Age: 25
Gender: male
Height: 6'0
Eye color: Turquoise
Hair color: Grey
Weight: Heavy (300-350 pounds)
Species: Human
Plane of Orgin: an Alt Earth
Class: Avenger

About 20 years ago on his reality Earth a strange meteor hit that sent a massive EMP across the planet devestating all Eletronic equipment all over. Eletromatic paticles persist in the air which plunged the Earth into a new Dark Age. Violence, Religious cults, Dictatorships rose up during these days. Over running the existing nations. However the meteor had also a strange effect on certain people, this effect awaken hidden abilites within the invidual. Scientist study this effect and called these people Elementalist as they controlled the vary elements. Even the fragments of the metoer that was discovered contain energy patterns matching these varations. The Elements of Light, Dakrness, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice. Metal, Fear, Illusion, Space, Shadow

Mickael was a young kid when the metoer struck. Durning the days odf darkness Looters killed his parents and set fire to his house leaving him trapped inside. fighting to get out a Angel appeared to him and saved his life. Later she became his teacher in the ways of light and mother However that to was short lived. When he was 15 a Dark user attacked his new home and with the use of a fowl poison killed his mother while he was away. He vowed that day to fight the Darkness and bring back the light to the word anyway he can and avenage his mother death.

Powers: Ability to control Light to form a sword, shield, Bombs, beams and armor. As well as the ability to control Darkness (more on that later)

Equipment: Shadowbane - A mystical sword of light that he created to fight off the agents of Darkness and Darklings.

Blightbane - a lesser used sword but no less as powerful as Shadowbane - This sword is created by darkness.
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