My Characters - Alex, Dexie/Direka, Matsuri, and More~

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

My Characters - Alex, Dexie/Direka, Matsuri, and More~

Postby Alex Vandar » Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:27 pm

Eddited out, for now.
Last edited by Alex Vandar on Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Alex Vandar
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the bug bites

Postby Mr. Critick » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:12 pm

hmmmm. Human/Tiefling What an odd mix Might I ask if you were a human that be came a Tiefling, a tiefling that be came a Human or some halfbreed. Also you a bit tall for the average female. While in the Higher end of the spectrum for a human female and I won't think a tiefling would add hieght to the equasion. The Shoujo Ray and the Tome of Darkness should be develope more but seeing how each is a TF item how are they different.

Beling a lesbian I take it. you don't seem to respect the male gender to much, Especially with your comment about leaving a path of new form girls in your wake. Remind me to never get behind you. Plus it might be a good idea to express some of her bad points. In reallife we are not perfect people so what are some of her flaws ether personility, super weakness, or things she simiply can't do.
Mr. Critick

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