Memories of a Forgotten Past (Teaser)

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Memories of a Forgotten Past (Teaser)

Postby Chris Thorn » Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:00 pm

"There's a party on. Are you going to be coming?"

I knew what goes on at these parties. I had been to enough of them. I loved going to them. The atmospere created by conglomeration of people from the many diverse cultures that we had here. That atmospere was what I enjoyed most. Not to mention the creatively chosen themes that were popular.

"Sorry, not this time" I said sadly.

"Okay then. If you need anything.."

Perhaps I should have let her know what was weighing on my mind. I had been thinking about it for the past few months, but only now, in but a few hours, I am able to act on it. She would have understood if I told her. Instead I managed a sad smile as I watched my supervisor walk out of our research area, and, for a while, out of my life too.
Last edited by Chris Thorn on Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:42 am

Interesting. Is this a story for the site here, or just a sort of generalized experiment you're working on? I do hope this individual ends up going to the party in question after all. He may know what goes on, but we don't. I daresay I'm not the only person who would like to.
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Postby Chris Thorn » Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:44 pm

The teaser is a part of the Prologue, designed to convey the motivation behind a change in life from the world they knew. The party is a symbol of the past, and their non attendance is reflective of the fact that they know and are worried about where they are headed. You are just going to have to wait for the rest of this part.

As for the story itself, it may not use common themes of the stories around here but it was inspired in part by the goings on around here. You may get what I am talking about as I write more. Currently, in such minimal state it is not easy to define.

An idea for the title: Memories of a Forgotten Past
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Postby SweetSophia » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:34 am

But, are memories truly still memories if they're forgotten. I'm one to talk...

Anyway, the symbolism you talked about is nifty. I wouldn't have gotten it at a consious level if you hadn't told me though, but I was never much for consiously including subtext. Your story sounds interesting. I can't wait to read more.
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Postby Arkain » Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:54 pm

Sure, if they existed at one point. You can (well, you can't ;D but someone else could) trace back to that particular Z (may, for the purposes of this statement, Z be the axis of time) coordinate and locate them.

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