Pil Pylas

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Pil Pylas

Postby Pil » Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:08 am

Name - Pil (Pronounced "Peel") Pylas

Age: 19
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126 lbs.
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Dressed in neutrally toned clothes and carrying a beat-up sword on his hip, the young man wanders about as if looking for something.

Pil Pylas is mostly nondescript, aside from the light scarring on his left cheek and the fact that he's not exactly built like a typical boy his age. He is moderately handsome, though the scarring deters from it a bit. His clothes, usually light and roomy, are usually dull brown or grey in color, to match his eyes. His black hair is cut very short, almost military short, and he's always carrying a backpack containing his whole life.

He's a nervous sort, looking around constantly as if he feels like he's being followed. He also, every once in a while, pulls a sheet of paper out of his pocket, reading it closely. If approached, he quickly puts it away, pretending like it doesn't exist. If asked about his nervousness or the paper, he laughs (nervously) and changes the subject.

He learned everything he knows from his father, who seemingly taught him everything in anecdotal form...

(Currently in female form due to the Maize Maze.)
Pylas, Anyone?
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