KYLA-angle of happines

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

do you like to think and talk about those cool thoughts you get

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KYLA-angle of happines

Postby kelbywhatley » Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:29 pm

aye colur=red
picture=my avy :)
likes=fun,adventure,batlles,thinking,having a fun time
dislikes=uuuuuu ill get back to you on that
hobbies,flying,fun things, giving happines (of course)
notes=she seems some what shy but is nice and happy loves to think
alone or not depending on her mood and well she is doin what she loves
in the picture.
dislikes= bad things to happen,people who will be in denile and want to be sad caause she wants to help people be happy,and ummmmm i need more questions! lol i found my light recently and used it to get out of my deep depression and have used her as my caourage to do the bravest thing ever and have made a caption to celebrate it and so i made one about me or her depending on your point of vewi.
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Last edited by kelbywhatley on Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby kelbywhatley » Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:17 am

hope you can give back some replys so i can update her and actullay start to mak a charecter an maybe make a reall cool storey aout of her.
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The bug bites

Postby Mr. Critick » Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:13 am

you want feedback well than prepare to be bitten. The first thing wrong here is your attitude. you don't have a right to feedback it mainly comes when it does. So please do not write in all caps that you want feedback as it's against Netiquette.

As for your character. It's a start but you have a long way to go before calling her a character. How did she come here? Why is she her? What role does she play? How does she go about bring happiness to people? Was she always an angel? What are her Strength and weaknesses? What are some good things about her as well as Faults. Even if you don't totally right them down here they should aways be in your mind when you use this character to interact with people. As for your own personal developement I suggest you learn what it means to be an angel first by researching before continueing
Mr. Critick

Postby kelbywhatley » Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:08 pm

i just whant to try and give her some personality jese dont be so harsh...
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Postby Duck » Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:32 pm

I concur, that's uncalled for.

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the bug bites

Postby Mr. Critick » Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:51 pm

A part of any character developement is the Character History, Motives, and Personality. Each of these help make the character worth interacting with. RPGs would be boring if the characters didn't feel connected to the story in someway.

you don't need to give out all the angles for a character right away but there should be enough for you to have something to start with as well as Interact with other people. Even if they aren't all not written down you should be thinking about than and how would they react or not react when something happens.

However you must also focus on the bad elements of your character. What is her Kyptonite so to speak as well as what would negatively drive her. Some choose quick tempted while others would choose that their character must be in control of a situation. In the end it's about balance and making a character people would be interested in interacting with and you can have fun playing.
Mr. Critick

Harseness is somethings needed

Postby Mr. Critick » Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:59 pm

you can not make a gemstone with sponges and feathers. If I seem harse I am only trying to provide people with feedback on where they might look or try to develope. Ultimately it is their desicion on what direction they want to take with their characters. I am only here to help Polish not only the surface of the character but the soul of the character and that means asking the tough questions if need be. However I am himan and will make mistakes in my judgements. So Critisizing the Critick is welcome.
Mr. Critick

Postby kelbywhatley » Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:26 pm

rite thats why i was asking for replys on what she likes and dislikes so i could get a better image beacause you dont expext me to have all the questions do u smae gos for ansers but still i might ov needed something to work with. so im just removing that peice and asking nicely for the conversation to stop and move to another form unless its about my charecter like you know "hey she said so an so but is still so and so"
plz and thank you o yes and srry for using all caps.
ahter many personle issues and some un wanted depression i forgot about the site and was very depresed about things id rather not say for a while then i remeberd about an certain angle who spreads heppy ness to all who belive and got on found my page then wished with all my might and i found the light that lifted me into my happy life again and now this page is up and runnning ounce more yay!!!!! and so i decided to make a caption about it and to congradulate me for finding the light wich was her and used her as my courage to do the most brave thing i have ever done and made this caption about me or umm her depending on your point of veiwe so i hop you like it!!!.
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Postby kelbywhatley » Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:29 pm

yay im slowy bumpin up!!!!
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