MKDS Snaking: Cheap, not cheap, or something else?

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MKDS Snaking: Cheap, not cheap, something else, or "say WHA"?

Poll ended at Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:05 am

Yes snaking's cheap! Cheaper than Google's products, which are free BTW!
Cheap my foot! It something in the game, so why not use it?
It's not all that cheap, I snake the majority of the time.
No votes
I only snake when someone else is, or I know my opponent isn't against it.
I just mainly use it for when I fall behind.
No votes
I really don't snake much at all...
No votes
Snaking hurts my hand. I'm better off not doing it.
No votes
Me snaking my foot! I wouldn't be able to do it even if Satan was going to tie me to a wall inches away from an EGS transformation gun!
Snaking...? Does this have anything to do with acting like Snake from Metal Gear...?
MKDS... Is that some kind of new Mortal Kombat game?
Snaking? I NEED to snake in order to get away from this tank! Darn it Caboose! EJECT! Your gonna kill us all! Screw this, I gotta stop him myself! Church is gonna kill me for this... Either that, or praise me like a God.
Total votes : 17

Postby Alex Vandar » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:28 pm

Actually, snaking is a glitch in the games physics, so yeah. :p

It wasn't intended to be in the game or to be used.

So I still stand by what I said: It's cheap and not fair to those who can't/won't use it.

And Nikkou: You can't set up handicaps like that in MKDS unless you know the people you're playing and have a way to communicate with them.
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Postby MisplacedIdea » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:47 pm

Snaking makes playing MKDS online no fun at all. When one person is trying to race legitimately and the other three are all snaking, it completely ruins the flow. It's the same thing as exploiting the standby glitch in Halo 2 on X-Box Live. I completely disagree with it.
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Postby Nintendo Maniac 64 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:39 pm

Going into detail on my response of only snaking if others are:

I personally snake a bit normaly when allowed (not constantly, just on some very short straights where a snake sets me up for the next curve, think beginning of Frappe Snowland). But if I'm against a snaker online, I'm NOT going to let him walk all over me just because he snakes. But otherwise, I usually normally powerslide insanely around turns, getting like 3 powerslides a curve. In fact, sometimes just that allows me to keep up and even beat snakers when I'm not snaking at all, which is AWSOME!

Don't snake in MKDS; powerslide as much as you want on turns
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Postby Goose » Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:13 pm

I haven't played online yet with Mario Kart, as Advance Wars DS will have my attention for the next several years. While I certainly don't think I could do this snaking business, it sounds like fair game to me. The game makers certainly didn't intend the power slide to work in that fashion, but it's a part of the game. From what I'm hearing, it reminds me of wavedashing in Super Smash Bros Melee, which takes the utmost skill to utilize an ability that for all intensive purposes shouldn't be in the game (of course, I've beat a number of insane wavedashers, but that's another story ^.^)

So yeah, I haven't seen it in action yet, but it sounds legal to me. I'll probably try to learn it myself, actually.
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Postby Alex Vandar » Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:43 pm

Goose wrote:I haven't played online yet with Mario Kart, as Advance Wars DS will have my attention for the next several years. While I certainly don't think I could do this snaking business, it sounds like fair game to me. The game makers certainly didn't intend the power slide to work in that fashion, but it's a part of the game. From what I'm hearing, it reminds me of wavedashing in Super Smash Bros Melee, which takes the utmost skill to utilize an ability that for all intensive purposes shouldn't be in the game (of course, I've beat a number of insane wavedashers, but that's another story ^.^)

So yeah, I haven't seen it in action yet, but it sounds legal to me. I'll probably try to learn it myself, actually.

Wavedashing is a seriously overrated ability. <_<
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