by Goose » Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:24 am
First and foremost, welcome to Magical Sailor Fuku! :D
The sheer fact that your first post was in the Art Room shows that you are an individual of great wisdom, for the Art Room is the most wonderful of all rooms. I, Goose, hope you spend many a day having a gander (get it??) at all of our wonderful artist's images, as well as sharing your works with us so that noobies of the future may look to you as a shining example of what it means to be a terrific contributor of imagery to our humble community.
Onto your viewtiful image that you have graced us with... You clearly draw/sketch a lot of faces and stuff, probably in a notebook while being bored in class (I do the same thing), and it creates a gap in your ability to illustrate faces, which looks solid, and your ability to accurately represent the human figure, which needs work. Now, this isn't a bad thing. The human figure is widely accepted as the most difficult thing to illustrate (my vote goes to foliage though... I hate the stuff. Sure smells nice though), so being fairly fluent in one aspect of it (so far as the Japanese animation style goes that is) is always a plus. I recommend as you're doodling all those pretty faces into your notebook as you sit bored in Geology class, instead of drawing pretty faces, draw a foot. A hand. A torso. Sure it will look silly, but it'll help eventually. For real.
Overall, nice job. Hope to see you around these parts more often.
The Art Goose