sorry for the terrible diablo quote. TO THE POINT! --
the mighty unfourtunate warrior, the Knight of Hearts! who unexpectidly became a girl by picking up a artifact that was supposed to grant great strength...which was given but came with side effects!
thats right he became a girl, and is now on a quest to fix this problem! or will it be too late and will *she* grow to like this new~ body. *looks down at chest* uhh...maybe =)
Male form: Mike-
height: 5'9
Age: uhh ? =D
Skill:sword, combat (kombat if your from outworld)
problems: wants to be stronger, and needs new equipment
Female form: Mina-
Age: well if i dont know about the male age...
weight: apparently i lost the ability to tell my weight when i became a girl!
Skill: big sword/weapons, combat,
problems: doesnt like being a girl *for how long...* trying to find cure to T&A.
rockin out male:
feelin female:
-----tell me what you think and if u have any problems with the character..s that u think can be improved
This is not the same as Mike/Mina in relation to Neige ^^; this is a unused alt