I can't think of a poll.

What's the poll you want to ask?

a) Something serious.
b) Something awesome.
c) Something silly.

Moderator: Moderators

There's nothing here.

Poll ended at Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:02 pm

Shame on you!
No votes
Sinner! To the deepest bowels of Hell with you! Repent and donate to the church and you will be saved!
Eh... It happens.
Isn't this a poll? O.o
So what? I can't think of anything either.
I like pie. Mmmm... Pie... Every day... Every-which-way... That's all that I've got to say.
No votes
But don't I need a license to poll? Like Bond needs a license to shake his drinks?
No votes
No votes
All of the above.
No votes
None of the above.
No votes
All AND none of the above.
You must really be desperate, aren't you?
Total votes : 12

I can't think of a poll.

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:02 pm

Nope. Anyone have any ideas? ^_^;
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Postby Anamnesis » Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:34 pm

Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
<Helel> Zeiss is a god.
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Postby Kalm » Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:31 pm

Death to all sinners...
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:02 pm

OnewithShadows wrote:NIIIKKKOUUU-CHAAAAN!!!

What? O.o;

Kalm wrote:Death to all sinners...

Don't I get a chance to save myself? ^_^;
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Postby Beyond » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:00 am

Kalm wrote:Death to all sinners...

:< Some lunatic who lived about the first century said "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her."

Sounds logical.
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Postby Kalm » Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:15 pm

Gnarly Nekkid Nikkou-Chan wrote:
Kalm wrote:Death to all sinners...

Don't I get a chance to save myself? ^_^;

Get on your knees and repent to our wise powerful God. Only then may you be saved!

Beyond wrote::< Some lunatic who lived about the first century said "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her."

Sounds logical.

It is my understanding that most forms of logic (false or not) are useless in this place. Or is this a special case?
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Postby Anamnesis » Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:12 pm

You were gone for DAYS, Nikkou-chan!
I Didn't know what to do :(
But now you are back! CELEBRATION!!!!
Also, I bestow absolution upon Nikkou-chan, as she is better than me.
You hold no power, Karm! As you now have the old maid!
Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
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Postby Beyond » Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:21 pm

Kalm wrote:It is my understanding that most forms of logic (false or not) are useless in this place. Or is this a special case?

The power of logic is superior and its valid everywhere, even here.
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Postby Kalm » Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:01 pm

Beyond wrote:
Kalm wrote:It is my understanding that most forms of logic (false or not) are useless in this place. Or is this a special case?

The power of logic is superior and its valid everywhere, even here.

I must have been mistaken then. I apologise and now bow to the power of logic.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:12 pm

Kalm wrote:Get on your knees and repent to our wise powerful God. Only then may you be saved!

Um... Which God is that? <.<;

It is my understanding that most forms of logic (false or not) are useless in this place. Or is this a special case?

It's a special case. Did you know that we all ride the short connection to MSF?

OnewithShadows wrote:You were gone for DAYS, Nikkou-chan!
I Didn't know what to do :(

I am the most frequent thingamabobber around here, but still... Worry not! If it happens again, simply run amongst the peoples in the streets while in the buck and crying out maniacally. It's a sort of ritual for summoning my presence. *_*

As for the absolution... Why couldn't it have been an ablution...? Then I could have bathed all nekkid-like. XD

Beyond wrote:The power of logic is superior and its valid everywhere, even here.

Not so. To say so would mean that you would have to stop eating kittens: because it's illogical. Besides... Logic is such a prude... Now, irrationality, on the other hand, allows me the pleasure to form an organization called Divest that will conquer city F and show them the error of the clothing that they wear.

So... Anyone have any ideas for a poll that they would like to share? ^_^;
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Postby Beyond » Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:59 am

Gnarly Nekkid Nikkou-Chan wrote:
Beyond wrote:The power of logic is superior and its valid everywhere, even here.

Not so. To say so would mean that you would have to stop eating kittens: because it's illogical. Besides... Logic is such a prude... Now, irrationality, on the other hand, allows me the pleasure to form an organization called Divest that will conquer city F and show them the error of the clothing that they wear.

So... Anyone have any ideas for a poll that they would like to share? ^_^;

To say so would mean that you would have to stop eating chickens and cows: Becouse if its ilogical for kittens its ilogical for most living beings.

And about a pool suggestion...

Shall Nikkou form an organization called Divest to conquer city F and show them the error of the clothing that they wear?
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