I was chatting up with someone a few nights ago and the topic concerning pedophilia happened upon us. Basically, it came down to two things: if you're an adult by law or by nature that really dictates if and when you should engage in sexual activity.
I, of course, still stick with the natural side of things. Humans are sexual (male and female) animals/creature like many others out there, and we reach physical maturity when we're able to reproduce. Not that that would work well with how most of the world is these days, but it has been a practice in the past (and still is in some parts of the world).
And don't get me wrong: I'm not condoning pedophilia. For one thing, humans have become too complicated to handle sexual relations that early in their lives, when they first become capable to reproduce. Any time before that shouldn't be done for any reason, by law of nature and by law of man.
And that's all that I'll say for now. I have more but I'm hoping that that's enough to express my point of view. If not I can always add/elaborate later.
(Was a tough poll for me to make, but I hope people can forgive me if I ended up not providing enough stuff for it.)