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When will anime cease to exist?

Poll ended at Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:24 am

Within 100 years (my time)
Until the end of time (never)
A few years (cmon its getting old!)
Not until I say so! (you hate it 2?!)
Total votes : 27

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Postby P-tan » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:24 am

When do YOU think il finish my destiny?

if you wanna ask me something dont be shy but all im asking is your opinion not any insults or protests okay?

Postby Beyond » Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:54 pm

You, mister, are a total PARADOX.

You hate it, but you love it.

:wink: I think someone needs a glowing hug...
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Postby Loremistress Eirien » Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:31 pm

None of these are accurate. Obviously anime will 'cease' existing (at least as a mental concept) certainly when humanity dies, and most likely as soon as humanity has a drop in technological progress (say, if we do hit the Olduvai gorge). But I suspect this will take more than a hundred years... Say... 150 pessimistically, and 350 optimistically (if we talk about the general art style).
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Postby Banzai!! » Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:40 pm

I too see it getting old but it is too popular to die out before 2015. I would say not for at least 75 years. However I am doubtful of it lasting for more than 200 years longer.
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Postby Loremistress Eirien » Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:32 pm

Here's a mathematical opinion:

Let's take specifically anime, rather than manga.

Animated Cartoons have existed since 1892. Given that we can be 50% certain that we are NOT in the first or last 25% of the existence of animation in general, we can hence be 50% certain that animated cartoons in general will exist for between 38 and 342 more years.

Anime itself (in its particular style) has existed since 1907 (that we can date). This means we can be 50% certain that anime will exist for between 33 and 297 more years.

As for its popularity, if we mark that with the 1968 film Astro Boy, it will be popular (at least in Japan) with 50% certainty for between 12 years, 8 months or 114 more years.
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Postby May-chan » Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:19 am

well anime is just japanese cartoons in general... so as long as animated cartoons are around anime will be around in japan. Obviously it will not look the same and technology and such will be better... I mean just look at today's anime in comparison with anime from the 90's and then the 80's and beyond... big differences... so it will evolve but as long as there is animated entertainment there will be "anime" and I am willing to bet animated entertainment will be around as long as we have electricity to use and entertainment in general... in other words... it will be around until we have a dark age or the sun explodes in billions of years...
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Postby P-tan » Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:47 am

no 1 picked the 4th choice so i did and well when gundam came out it was cool (at least better) than the new type of gundam (the mini ones)

if anime continues dwindling like this it wont last 2 long unless someone has better ideas or if i destroy it :twisted: (no offense for you all please)

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:13 am

Short of human society collapsing worldwide and/or a worldwide disaster that would make it either impossible or silly to worry about anime, I think anime will continue to exist for as long as humans can remember it. It's one of many artistic mediums, and we all know how long statues and various techniques/forms of painting have been around. It's another style of art among many, and if others have lasted for thousands of years then I don't see why anime/manga can't as well.
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Postby hime-chan » Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:55 pm

i have a feeling that you're taking stereotypical anime that mainstream western people know about, like pokemon and sailor moon, as your basis for "h8"-ing anime.

as said earlier, anime, is animation that comes from japan, let me give you an example that you probably wouldnt think of:

in japan, there is a childrens show called "pitagora suichii" or "pythagoras switch". every week, the show has a feature called "the 10 stick anime", which is basically, an anime made entirely out of 10 sticks (like the sticks from stick figure flash movies), be it them having a race, to joining up to make stick men.

it is still classed as an anime, even if it's a small feature of a childrens show, because it's an animated thing that comes from japan.

do you remember the 2 final fantasy movies? they came from japan, didnt they? they're still anime, regardless of their style, i have freinds that dont understand that concept aswell, i gave up telling them after a while.

now, if you're refering to the style of anime we have at this present day, i doubt that it'll last another 20 years, due to CGI and stuff like that, but that isnt a bad thing, it doesnt stop people from liking anime, heck i dont think you can really "h8" anime, but you can "h8" certain genres of anime, for instance, i really dont like watching things that scare me, so i wont watch scary anime, but i do enjoy comedy, so i'll watch a comedy anime.

"anime" wont end unless every single trace is wiped out, say the earth is destroyed, and no trace of anime has left the planet, then it will have ended, but as long as someone can watch even 1 minute of an anime, it's still there.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:56 pm

Anime will never cease to exist, I suspect. It almost seems to be GROWING at times!
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Postby Helel » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:34 pm

It's here FOREVER as far as I'm concerned. Unless Japan goes baibai.

Otherwise, it'll out last me, much like it has already
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Postby Zeph » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:42 pm

I hope certain animes will die off soon.

So people stop talking about them CONSTANTLY.

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Postby NSB » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:47 pm

get over it mister

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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:23 am

But I like the Naruto manga...

One Piece, not as much.
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Postby P-tan » Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:32 pm

Any of you wanna be friends? :D

animeh8rs like me (im sure there are many scattered in every continent) are socially lonely cuz we h8 anime but dont take that against us, h8rs and "lovers" are quite similar if you look at it in a way.. ANYWAYS would you befriend me if i am trying to destroy it? note: TRYING!


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