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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:28 pm

"You're a fool," Cassiel said, not even bothering to stop Alexia. "Do you not realize what will happen if you run back to your people? You will be captured and sold, just as if you were a fae all along. Nobody will believe you if you
tell them what happened. Do you really want that to be your fate?"

"The royal family is quite small, sister, but you will get to live in the Castle of Flame. As for servants, you won't need any. You can use magic to supply anything you need."

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Postby Banzai!! » Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:32 pm

Alexia remained silent as she felt herself get even smaller and wings start to sprout.
Why me? I had a good life!
Alexia's eyes started to water as she continued to run deeper into the forest.
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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:42 pm

"She'll be back..." Casiella said simply, shaking her head sadly. "But one must wish that he would take this better, like you all have. I must agree with you, sisters, I do not see why they would reject this fate..."

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Postby Beyond » Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:12 pm

Dan was sobbing, the change was complete. She, may better say that now, was a Leaf fairy now. She could feel herself connected to the nature and at the same time a strong feeling to protect, be with it and be part of it was growing inside her. She was entering into some kind of trance.

Then, Casiella and Alexia's argument broke that trance. She looked at the new Erin for a moment before turning her head to Casiella. "What are you talking about?... how could you say that?" She managed to say to Casiella between sobs "In the first place... you never asked if I wanted this fate... ma-maybe she does but... but..." There was something bothering Dan, she wanted to go home and forget all this but at the same time she wanted to stay and embrace nature.

She shaked her head and asked frightened and confused "What have you done to me?...".
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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:25 pm

"I've given you the gift of nature! Why don't you embrace this gift, it truly is wonderful! You should think of it as an honor, not a curse! The ability to be so in tune with nature, to feel each and every life form connected to your very soul is just amazing!" Sarriel was obviously dead-set on making Dan accept her fate.

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Postby Kara-chan » Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:30 pm

Erin only sighs and turns to her sister, "can I talk to you in private a bit..." smiling sadly a little over her friends' resistance to being fae but excited that she has a family that loves her...and a great sister to teach her everything she needs to know.
Last edited by Kara-chan on Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:41 pm

(OOC: Yeah, I'm merely just filling in the gap where Modlus disappears during the action, not saying anything since having things answered from the past in the present (and thus out of order) would be icky. Well, until I work Modlus into the present state of affairs.)

"Royalty?" Modlus thought to herself. She had never considered what it would be like to be royalty, having always been lowborn and the son of a tanner. Indeed, she never really thought about her future; other than crazy undertakens and adventures, she had only imagined having her father's business placed upon her shoulders whether if she liked it or not.

But faery royalty? The possibility of becoming a mother? They were so hard to imagine. And magic! She had not a clue about magic, but the thought of the amazing feats that could be done sent her heart racing with excitement. Certainly there was a whole world of new things opening up before her! And the strangest part of the whole affair thus far (to her), was the sensual, comfortable silver gown that she found herself wearing. It felt very soft and smooth, with a gentle coolness as it glided over her skin. Rubbing some of the fabric between her fingers inspired amazement, having always worn leathers, wool and hemp.

Her mind was awhirl with thoughts, realizing how different her life would be as one of the fae. Certainly she could handle it, but it would be so different! A part of her wanted to deny her situation, as if she were supposed to remain loyal to humankind for some reason. However, she was thrilled by the changes; the changes to her life that made it so different and thus posed itself as a challenge. She wasn't sure if she actually liked the changes, but she would take them in stride and find out if she could.

And the first step, as far as she could tell, was to come up with a name. Unfortunately, she had little imagination for names. She had never thought it important to make note of names in her life, and more or less knew only the common and uninteresting ones. But if she were to change her name, then she would like to choose one for herself; a name that she could feel content with.

"Um..." She started, hesitating, hearing a voice from the goddess of silk escaping her lips. "May I be given time to decide on a name... Sister?"

She felt herself blushing in response to her actions, feeling like such a girl and yet not knowing what to think of it yet. She had been a boy, nigh a man, and had grown up with the background of what one should be like. And when she spoke for the first time as a female, she actually felt like one. It was odd, to say the least!
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Postby Banzai!! » Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:07 pm

Alexia sat on a tree branch a little ways away.
"Why is this happening to me? Its just not fair!'
Damnit Alex, look at yourself. Your acting like girl. Remember your past. The Alex I know would get revenge on these monsters.
"My mind is right. I need to get back at them. But how?"
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:22 pm

Kyle gets up and walks over to Sarriel. "I can call me Kylie now..." she said as her clothes changed to be like the leaf faerys.
no point in fighting it...we're stuck. Just a new adventure.
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Postby Gunther » Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:33 pm

(OOC: Activate escape mode! PULL OUT CAP'N)

Guntyr, walked away and he uh...tripped, hit his head on a rock and DIED. The end.
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Postby Kara-chan » Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:39 pm

(ooc: hehe, now get back to IRC, I miss calling ya Gunny-chan!)
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Postby Banzai!! » Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:01 pm

Alexia slips off the treebranch, but before she hit the ground, she relized she was levitating.
"What the?"
Alexia looks back at her fully sprouted wings.
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Postby Beyond » Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:39 pm

Pegasus Knight Florina wrote:"I've given you the gift of nature! Why don't you embrace this gift, it truly is wonderful! You should think of it as an honor, not a curse! The ability to be so in tune with nature, to feel each and every life form connected to your very soul is just amazing!" Sarriel was obviously dead-set on making Dan accept her fate.

Dan started to realise how serious this was. "They want me to give up everything in my life in order to fullfill some kind of important role in this world..." She though to herself. "But what about my family, my friends, my whole life... I wont be able to see it again. I... I cant." She raiced her tiny hands up to her face "But... but... it needs me... nature needs me... I cant leave it... what should I do?"

She curled up and started whispering slowly "What should I do?" between sobs.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:59 pm

Kylie looked at the faery that had changed her and Dan. "So, since you changed both of us, does that mean...?"
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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:36 pm

"Yes, you two are related. Not only that, but you have been given a special gift that fae rarely obtain; twin faeries of the Leave village are connected in their very innermost soul; their powers are magnified past that of any normal faerie when they are together. Henceforth, you shall be known as the Great Forest Twins." Sarriel was surveying the two as if waiting for something. Any time now... Soon they will feel the connection between them. Their ages have already changed to meet eachothers'... I have two fourteen-year-old sisters. This is just amazing...

Cassiella looked at the young Moon Faerie, sensing her suprise at her newfound and extremely feminine voice. "Take as much time as you want, young one. Choosing a name is a very important matter..."

Fiorriel nodded silently, leading Erin to a small clearing. "What is it that you would like to tell me, dear sister?"

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