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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:58 am

"So...technically, I could make myself look younger or older now?" Kylie asked.
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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:47 am

"Well, it will take some practice. It's one of the many things that will be covered when you attend school. Don't worry, it's nothing like your human schools," Sarriel added hastily, knowing how dull and boring that could be.

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:18 am

She couldn't help watching Cassiela as she moved, using such entrancing elegance as she sat. While she was aware of other faeries, even those that consisted of the group of humans that she had come with, she was, both figuratively and literally, moonstruck by the moon faery. She was her new immediate family, as well as a prime source for what she would need to know in her new existence. She felt something akin to admiration toward her; it reminded her of her youth, when she was a boy that was eager to learn and do his father's trade to make him happy, proud. And yet her new sister was practically a stranger, not long ago considered a part of an old man's stories.

She felt that now was the time to do something, rather than to continue to stand where she had been standing since the encounter with the fae. She was curious about the others, including her companions from the village, but she wanted to commit herself to her new life; a defining first act, in a sense.

With her mind set, she felt more than thought out what she wanted, sensing an underlying knowledge that she couldn't consciously understand. But she was able to delve into it subconsciously and, letting go of her strict conscious control over her body, she felt as if she were in a dream as she drifted up to the branch where her sister sat. She soon found herself sitting beside her sister, amazed that she had mirrored her movements from memory without being aware of it. It filled her with many emotions, making her flustered. With her eyes falling to her lap, where she had her hands tightly clasped, she blushed and hoped that what little she had just done could be defined as something that only a faery could do; something that her sister had done. If she were going to be a faery, she felt that it would take more than herself to be accepted as one.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:41 am

Kylie looked at the faery that had changed her, a new family member. "Well...How many other members of royalty are there? Besides us? And what about Alexia? What are you going to do about her?"
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Postby Kara-chan » Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:16 am

Erin flutters about happily, looking for Alexia. Seeing a pair of bright wings hiding in the trees, Erin assumes that this is her this is her friend. "Alexia!" she calls out flying next to her on the branch, "look what I can do!" forming a small weak fireball
Last edited by Kara-chan on Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Beyond » Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:58 am

"I am not coming with you" Dan said outloud wipping her tears with her small hands. "You had no right to do this to me, yet you want me to accept this fate without complains... you... YOU...". She slamed her hand aganist the ground and slowly the cage of vines opened, releasing her.

She turned her face away from everyone and whispered "You people are insane..." Then she started walking away.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:00 pm

"Where does she think she can go? Not like humans will accept us. Might as well just accept this as your fate." Kylie said.
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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:28 pm

Sarriel nodded solemnly. "Yes, that is exactly why we have no need to seek them. They will be back when they realize that their fates are sealed." She turned to Dan, smiling despite the situation. "If you go back to your village, you will die. They will capture you, and you will never see the light of day again. Is that what you truly desire?" The Princess turned to Erin, shaking her head sadly. "I'm sorry, young one. Alexia is gone. She has returned to her village, but do not worry, she will return. Thus is the nature of things..."
Last edited by Pegasus Knight Florina on Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kara-chan » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:32 pm

"O-oh..." looking down sadly and flying down, fireball dispersing. "B-b-but she might be hurt....and killed...." begining to sob, sitting on the ground, wings wrapped around her like a cloak
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Postby Pegasus Knight Florina » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:45 pm

"No, she won't. You see, any time now your instincts should be kicking in. These will induce a chronic fear of humans, even those of their own family. They will soon see their mistakes and seek us out.

You should all begin to feel the new instincts in a matter of minutes. Once you feel these urges, do not ignore them. Do whatever feels right to you. We are in a large clearing miles away from any village, so there's plenty of time and room to adjust. Well, it seems one of you are already feeling the influence of your new mind..." Sarriel looked over at Vashiel, whose skin looked dry and pale.

"Vashiella, there is a river over there. Your natural aversion to dry land and sunlight is causing the pores in your skin to dry up. Go ahead and take a swim." Vashiella smiled, running to the river and diving in. She swam to the surface, her legs forming a strong fishtail adorned with beautiful multicolored scales that shone in the sun. She was wearing a short blue top that exposed her midriff. She sighed in contentment, climbing up on a rock.

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Postby Banzai!! » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:10 pm

A chuckle could be head from behind the group of faeries.
Alexia floated out of the darkness with her wings.
"Humans. You act like they are your enemies. Do you not have pride over what you once were? Our new bodies aren't even real. They're artificial! We are a product of genetic altering."
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Postby Kara-chan » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:12 pm

"S-s-so...we can't see our parents again?" *the thought of even going within a mile of them brings a tinge of fear to her*

*turns to look up at Alexia* "Alexia, you're ok!" giggling and flying up, mood changing in an instant, tears drying from the speed at which she's flying, aiming to give her friend a midair hug
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Postby Beyond » Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:35 pm

Having heard enough Dan ran away from the group as fast as her new body allowed to. "They are wrong! they are wrong!... I can go back and explain everything to them..." She though "They'll understand! they wont hurt me...". Suddently her mind was filled with terror, the prospect of them hurting and killing her was growing inside her mind, she tried to put those thoughs aside but there was no avail, finally she stoped running and collapsed onto her knees, her eyes were filled with tears, she didnt know what to do.
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Postby Banzai!! » Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:48 pm

Alexia puts a hand out and grabs Erin.
"Never call me Alexia again. My name is Alexander Brundle and don't you forget that."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:11 pm

Kylie felt the fear of humans come over her. "What else is gonna happen to us today?" she asked.
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