by Pegasus Knight Florina » Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:04 pm
Sarriel hovered into the air, floating gracefully over to Alexia. "Do you not understand? This is beyond any mere science. Your bodies are not like faeries, they Are the bodies of faeries. It is as if you were a faerie ever since you were born.
The transformation spell has a failsafe, Alexia. If you don't embrace your new self, the transformation will completely alter your mind, turning you into a good little faerie. You will not remember your human life at all; your true memories will be replaced by fake ones where you were a faerie all a long. This failsafe prevents the once humans from revealing our presence and keeps any unwilling humans happy. The amount of damage that could occur because of the failsafe is why it was forbidden until now. We only use it when absolutely neccessary." she sighed, putting a hand on Alexia's shoulder. "Do you not understand? If you do not come with us, you will lose the very self that you treasure so. You are still yourself, you are just a faerie now. That does not change who you are on the inside."
"So, sister, do you like your new form?" Cassiella asked, looking at Modlus as she joined her on the branch. She nodded her head towards Vashiella, laughing a bit as she saw her fussing with her hair. "Apparently that one's adjusting quite well. The River Fae are quite well-known for their self-consiousness, after all."
"You know very well that she is merely adjusting," Lorriel said happily, diving into the water herself. "Here, young one, let me help you." She plucked two lillies from the riverbank and demonstrated to Vashiella how to string one into her hair.
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