TG Virus (RP)


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Postby Josh-May » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:11 pm

*i walked in the front door to see a girl bouncing around*
*she stopped for a second*
"josh? oh no..."
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Postby Raleigh » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:13 pm

"That one is Justin, remember him? Oh and I am Jason in case that was unknown."
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Postby Banzai!! » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:16 pm

"Wh...what the hell just happened?" Alex said, her voice trembling.
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Postby Raleigh » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:18 pm

"Some viral outbreak that can switch a person's gender. Or at least that is what the news is saying. I do hope that is true anyway, otherwise we might have worse things happening than needing to change our clothing styles and methods of using the restroom."
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:19 pm

"this.. isnt a dream then?" she asked.
"no, sadly it isnt..."
"why are you wearing womens clothing?" she asked again.
"well on the news they said that you can exchange any clothing for free for something that fits, for lesser or equil value of the clothing you bring."

*nathan - albeit natalie, slumped down on her knees*
"i dont want to be a girl!"
"well thers nothing we can do right now, so you best live with it, grab sme clothes and come on!" i said going up the stairs to my bedroom filling a tote with clothes*
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Postby Banzai!! » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:22 pm

"Like what? If it is true, we will have the military over here before we know trying to contain the outbreak. If this spreads to the leaders in the U.N., then we will have an international crisis right then and there."
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Postby Raleigh » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:25 pm

"Why a crises? Well other than the countries where women have no rights anyway. Teach some people to change their backwards ways. Now then, I suppose I might as well check the tv to see the spread of this."
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:30 pm

*we packed our totes into Natalie's car and drove to the clothing place again*
"remember, we need to adapt or as long as possible tho that also means get the essenchles or our bodies aswell" i said walking in the door.
Natalie mumbled "ok, mom..."
*that comment stopped me dead in my tracks... i didnt want to think about the other things that could happen to us while were girls!*

*we quickly picke dout outfits, much to the dismay that we had to wear them, and we also had to get... *gulp* bras*

Nattalie freaked
*we slowly began to wear her down so we could force her to find the correct size*

"i.. i dont know who i am anymore..." she said.
"your nathan, or natalie at the moment."
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Postby Banzai!! » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:31 pm

"You seem very calm and collected about becoming a girl." Alex accused as her mind raced.
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:37 pm

"so is that what ive been forced to? a girl by th ename of natalie?!"
*i slapped her*
"get ahold of yourself!, nathan dosent break down in this, nor should natalie! there is no way you can tell me that becoming a girl has made you less of what you were as a person!"
*she rubbed her face where i hit her*
"... well... you are more persuasive... and smarter..."
*i looked away for a moment*
"listen, lets get home, we need to stay updated on how the towns going to take care of this mess."
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Postby Nikki » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:41 pm

"What I'm a girl? Well I guess that makes sense" Who wants to come to the mall with me?"Justine asked
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:47 pm

*we got home, and sat back in our TV room*
".. so... you called me natalie... whats your name going to be?"
"i hadent thought about it-"
"no! that name sounds ugly."
"then what?"
"well... i was thining about may..."
"... ok... whatever... <sigh> why did this have to happen? :gasp: what about my girl friend?!"
"kristina is in another town remember? lets hope the virus hasent reached out there yet."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:53 pm

Stefan woke up and realised something He looked in the mirror and saw a girl that looked like him. "Oh, this is great." she said. She turned on the news and saw the same story the others had. She packed up all of her clothes, got dressed in some baggy clothes(at least on her new body.) and headed towards the mall.

OOC: sorry about the late post. I couldn't get on until now...
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:54 pm

*we turned on the TV just in time to hear the latest reports*
<the police traced the virus back to a bunker in the hills above town>
{we didnt mean to cause this!} a woman yelled. {the virus c\got out of our control, all we were doing was modifying the virus to be a cure for the one that contaminated water supplies, that had much longer lasting effects!}
a reporter raised there hand {how soon can you cure this virus?}
{well, we cant be sure, our research has barely just cracked open the workings of this virus, we have yet to find out how to reverse its affects without causing someone to, possibly melt, if not done correctly.}
{what do you suggest we do?} asked another {just go about your lives, and addapt to your new bodies, or if the worst case senario is, you could be stuck that way for a very long time}
<and thats all we have untill 11>
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Postby Raleigh » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:14 pm

"Well I am used to this concept so I probably am not too bothered by it. Either that or I am in some state of shock right now and will eventually be really messed up in the head from this."
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