TG Virus (RP)


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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:48 pm

Kristina Marie Turner (as her parents have officially have given that name to the school), aka Kristy to her friends, arrived at the school, and saw Justine pull up. One year younger than Justine, (Kristy's 15 and a sophomore), she heads over to Justine's car. "Hi there. Ready for school? I have to get my student ID, and get my class schedule. I think I have gym class, history, home economics, english, algebra, and Biology class and lab, as well as chemistry lab and class. Maybe we can learn more about this virus thing." She looks down at her new body..."But I felt fine today when I got's like I've always been like this. My parents have accepted me the way I am. I'm Kristy Turner. What's your name?" She extends a hand to Justine.

<tag all students, boys and "girls">
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Postby Nikki » Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:42 pm

"I'm Justine Flower I guess it makes me sound less gay now" Justine says as she takes Kristy's hand
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:16 pm

Kristy accepts Justine's hand and then asks her new friend..."May and the others should be here soon. Jas went to her job, so I guess we are stuck in school with the other students and staff." She looks at Justine..."I have not seen any boys coming to think this virus changed them all to girls too? I mean, what about dating and relationships and stuff like a normal high school...?" She stops ranting. "Enough about me are you taking this virus thing, Justine? I'm going to be doing a survey for one of my classes. The guidance counselor and my mother set it up to find out how the new students are faring with their new changes, names, and other stuff." She hands Justine a notebook and pencil. "Write down anything that comes to mind about today. Perhaps we can keep a journal about this and compare notes."

OOC: What will happen next with our Tg'ed students? Find out next time....on TG Virus: The RP!
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Postby Nikki » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:23 pm

"Okay" Justine says noticing Kristy seems a bit hyper "Did you drink coffee this morning"
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:30 pm

Kristy shakes her head..."Don't be silly, Justine, I'm only 15. My mother won't even let me drink sodas either. She says they'll make me fat. I have to drink bottled water." She then looked to Justine..."I think this Virus is making some of us a bit Hyper. May-chan, me, and I'm not sure who else. It's like I'm someone else...literally. What's happening to us, Justine? Are we slowly becoming hyperactive teenage girls, or is it just the adjustment to the new mind, identities, and all that? My parents's minds are different too. They are more loving towards me than when I was a guy. Did the virus affect them too?"

<tag all>
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Postby Nikki » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:33 pm

"Well do your parents look different?" Justine asks "I can't seem to get enough of guys. I watched Brokeback Mountain last night and I liked it"
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:43 pm

Kristy shudders at that movie..."Ewww, you watched a gay cowboy movie?" Kristy was the conservative one of the group. This reflected in her style of dress, and choices of movies and music. "Well, I think they changed in the mental sense. They are still my parents, and all my family photos have me as a girl. It's like my male self never existed."
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:48 pm

"Same here, though the pictures that switched for me seemed to be more of a tomboyish lifestyle for me." Hira said as she thought of the changes.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:58 pm

Kristy nodded..."So I'm not the only one whose family photos seemed to reflect our new selves. You think the virus changes whole lifestyles? I mean, I've been more of an athlete myself. They have cheerleader tryouts, as well as basketball tryouts, and volleyball, softball in the spring, and track and field. I wonder what everyone will be doing for extra-cirricular activities? I hear they have an academic bowl team too. That's for those who like Jeopardy, without answering in the form of a question. They have math, science, and pop culture questions, and you buzz in. They need five people and three alternates, and a faculty advisor. " She looks at the schedules.."Hmmm...we also have the dreaded picture day too, and Yearbook stuff. You get to be in the yearbook with your chosen activities, sports or academic." She then goes to Hira. "So, ready for our new lives here at....<Insert school name here>?"

OOC: we need a name for the school...and a mascot for the sports teams.
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Postby Josh-May » Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:01 pm

"well my perents are away, and so they couldnt have switched the pictures..."

OOC: everyone go through a little bit of school, then were all going to meet at the lunchroom, and watch one of the wall mounted TVs they have, IE news.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:06 pm

Kristy finished up her chemistry class and went to the lunch cafeteria. She wondered how her family photos showed her as a girl growing up instead of a boy. There were photos of the family on vacation, at a family reunion, and at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The toys she received at Christmas were different, more suited for a young girl than a boy. Something was really off about this, but she wanted to know why her life was different. Seemed everyone else forgot she was a boy, and the whole world now recognized her in this reality. She sat at a seat to watch the news about the updates on the virus that plagued her and her new friends.

<tag all coming to eat lunch and learn more of the virus and its after-effects>
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Postby Nikki » Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:56 pm

"Everything about me has changed...I have singing trophies, cheerleading trophies and even a cheerleading uniform" Justine says as she sits down at the table "apparently a clothes switch was involved so switching them at the mall was unneccesary"
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Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:07 pm

Kristy nods..."Yeah, I noticed I have softball trophies and my softball team photo has all of the girls from last years team on it. I'm in the 2nd row on the right side of the photo." She shows Justine the photo with a circle around Kristy's picture. "You think this virus is changing our clothes, memories, and everyone else around us? I heard they are planning to talk about this on the news today." She hoped this would soon be over and everything would be back to normal, or what appeared to be normal for them. "So you are a cheerleader? That's cool! I play softball and basketball."
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Postby Raleigh » Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:12 pm

"Hm.. " Jas slid in between the wall and the wire rack to fix the busted switch. "Well another good thing, I can fit in these tight spots better than before. Now then, to make sure the changes carry over into the system. Don't want people to be out a phone or a computer after all." Jas continues with her work day.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:27 pm

Kris_Roth wrote:Kristy nods..."Yeah, I noticed I have softball trophies and my softball team photo has all of the girls from last years team on it. I'm in the 2nd row on the right side of the photo." She shows Justine the photo with a circle around Kristy's picture. "You think this virus is changing our clothes, memories, and everyone else around us? I heard they are planning to talk about this on the news today." She hoped this would soon be over and everything would be back to normal, or what appeared to be normal for them. "So you are a cheerleader? That's cool! I play softball and basketball."
"Welll in this it would seem that I have a love of soccer and somehow trivia...I was on the soccer and academic teams before the change."
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