Team 13 : Arc 2.5 : Wreakage - Suspended


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Postby Josie » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:23 pm

Mera hmms to himself, looking at the burnt wood. He carrys i back to Rene and shows it to her. "It looks like a fire happened here...." He states, even though something in the back of his mind said it was something else.
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Postby Raijin » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:54 pm

Miharu surfaces and shakes his head. "There isn't happen to be a Jutsu that lets you breath under water is there? "
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Postby Thorn » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:34 am

Rene ponders and looks arround, finally closing her eyes and looking again, looking for any seaweed, the large kind.

"Come onnn....."
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Postby ZeroForever » Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:05 pm

Rene is unable to find any seaweed at that depth of ocean, however instead she contacts the upper level mini phytoplankton plants on the visiable layer of the ocean eventually trailing down end of the sunlit zone on the sea's surface to the 200 meter region contacting the plant detritus (it's like a deep sea moss... though at 200 meters it's the max depth for sunlit region so there pretty much no light at that level of the ocean) that had been distrubed by the remains of the ship.

to the side she can hear Mera yelling to her about soemthing.


shiki mean while looks at the surfacing miharu responding to his question "most likely... though i think the more pressing problem you would have would been the air bubble effect in deep water, seeing how we don't have a medical nin going to far down will probably kill you.
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Postby Raijin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:46 pm

Miharu raises an eyebrow: You think its that deep huh? well...either way we are stumped then. "Miharu climbs out of the water and regains his items as she flops down in the boat and puts them back on.
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Postby Thorn » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:33 pm

"Great....i'm going to talk to moss...."

She holds up the tiger symbol and speaks in a weird tongue, hwoever, she is saying to the moss..

"Excuse me...I need your that ship....are there....*Lists the items needed that were to be on the ship*"
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Postby Josie » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:15 pm

Mera blinks watching his teachertalk in the strange tounge. He sighs and puts the board at her feet and goes back to digging.
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Postby ZeroForever » Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:31 pm

(haha disgaea 2 is addicting... almost forgot to post today...)


Rene communicating with the moss is told that there isn't much left of the ship... whatever had floated down was mearly the charred remains... though the plankton might 'remeber' to a extent what had happened.


Scalvaging would be the more politically correct term for what mera was attempting to do... to no real avail... there really wasn't much left.


After swimming for a bit Miharu felt greasy.... or more correctly oily...
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Postby Raijin » Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:55 am

Miharu looks down and rubs a finger on his skin to inspect the oil. "Great...the water filled with some kind of Oil."
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Postby Xia » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:13 pm

[MOVED] Just making a post to alert people this has been moved to the Narutoverse Room. Delete this when you continue
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Postby ZeroForever » Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:49 pm

GMing both mera and rene for now... freaking bums....


Either way the wreakage of the ship didn't leave much information... and well plankton was just dumb even for plant life... meaning that they didn't really have much information on what had transpired... though they remebered the trail from which the vessal's that had left the scene had made moving through them.

Rene could only ponder what had exactly transpired though it didn't show on her face.... the path they should follow was evident since the plants wouldn't lie to her.

miharu's voice noted something that was fairly evident to her... or anyone with eyes... since oil always floated at the surface of the ocean... and the ocean plant life screamed in disgust at it.

"hmm lets clean up this crap first before we go" reaching into her bag for a unknown plant... the gennin's could only watch as the strange thing following some strange language from rene seemingly ate all the oil on the ocean surface ina sequence that lasted no longer then a few minutes."

when that was over with Rene reurned the plant to her bag... walking silently back to the boat... indicating in wordless silence that they were leaving.

shiki could only watch impressed somewhat more perplexed how the plant even fit in her bag.... though he was waiting at the boat already considering he had never left it.
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Postby Raijin » Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:57 pm

Miharu still wondered what the oil was, was it apart of what was in the cargo? he ponders on there way out.
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Postby Thorn » Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:55 pm

"Okay, luckily, we can leave this crash site, but another ship transpired over...this way...." She has the ship turn in the direction of where to go, and moves ahead, finally, a look of seriousness on her face that the genin have rarely seen.
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Postby ZeroForever » Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:16 pm

After leaving the wreckage scene... the group followed or well navigated as Rene instructed though the gennin themselves didn't really know where she was getting you directions from... either way another night passed ... as the group anchored down for the night... even with a trail reckless following was ill advised.... however as dawn broke... they spotted land in the distance... not overly large island though still most likely several miles in length regardless... most likely volcanic it the volcano near the center was any indiction


"sooo sick of fish.... ugh... once we get back to konoha ... pork and beef all the way...." shiki thought after his morning meal.... not overly pleased with what they had... till he noticed the island...
"that's strange... don't remeber seeing that on the map... though i guess i shouldn't be to surprised "


Mera's anus had finally managed to completely heal in the few days since they left Lunaqua thankfully.... though he was still bitter about that whole thing.. along with the almost getting tosses out the building... and few other things.... make that extremely bitter.... though he held it in.... since there was more important things like the land.... and well... the land.... thank god for land...
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Postby Raijin » Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:12 am

Hear Shiki speak of food only made Miharu stomach slightly growl. He glanced out towards the island. "Is that where we are heading Sensei?" Miharu tried to glance over Rena's shoulder at the map.
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