Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:11 am

"yes, I do have an Eevee." Throws a pokeball to her.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:48 pm

She catches with her right arm in mimd air and blinks. " Thanks." She lets Eevee out.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:12 am

Joule nods..."I'll take a Pikachu. I do speak Pikachu, so maybe we can coordinate attacks and stuff."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:32 am

The prof. throws Joule a pokeball. "There you are."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:40 pm

Just as the group collects their pokemon, a commotion can be heard from the front of the building. Seems the fight drew a bit of attention. "Quick, all of you can sneak out the back." the nurse said. Everyone went out the back of the center, and split up. Each going to their own homes.
Alana walked down the deserted streets to her house, thankful that most people were either shopping or at the pokemon center. No one was along the way to her house. She went in the back door and up the stairs to her room. She let Vulpix out of its pokeball.

"Well, my parents won't be home for a little while. So, I guess this is your new home." she said.

Vulpix looked around the room. "Well, its better than being stuffed in that ball all day." the pokemon said.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:44 pm

Joule was led to the back area and finally got home. She let her Pikachu out and sat on her bed. She was concerned about the others and especially what would happen to them. She wondered if they should have given everyone cell phones to contact each other.
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Postby AnimaVex » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:58 pm

Brendan quietly sneaked into the house. He noticed that his mother was away on one of her trips again, and made himself a bowl of cereal and started eating away, but not before letting his Marill out of the Pokéball.

"Thanks," the pokemon added "it was getting a bit annoying in there. "
"You're welcome" Brendan replied as he ate some of the cereal and sat on the couch, wondering what would happen to him.
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Postby P-tan » Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:45 pm

(Jumps out of a dimensional portal)

"Am I gonna get prosecuted for being here?"

(Jumps away and hides in the bushes)

Postby Sasha » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:02 am

Aiko had sliped out the back grabbing a hat and cape form the wall left behind by a performer and pulledt he cap on to hide her ears and cape to hide her tail and slipped off to her house. She slips past her mom in the kitchen in a blur. " not feeling that well i'm goign to bed mom." She slips up stairs and closes and locks her door behind her and sets Eevee down on her bed and tosses teh hat and cape onto a chair.. " Urg this will take some use to." She lays down on her bed under the covers and turns her tv on to watch the news.
Last edited by Sasha on Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sakura Fontis » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:50 pm

*Marina puts her Spheal back in the ball and starts home, soon getting there. Luckly, her parents were at work, so she was able to get to her room unseen. She sits on the bed and sighs, swishing her tail*

"This is so crazy... I mean, what are the chances of this kinda thing happening?" *slumps over and starts to sleep a bit*
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:27 pm

*Mel also heads home after putting her Chikorita back in the pokeball* ...Well I guess my mom isn't home. *Let's the Chikorita out of the ball and plays with it while waiting...and also trying to figure out a way to explain her "condition" to her mom.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:52 pm

Well, eventually, all of your parents do come home. and, well, leave you alone for a little while. However, everyone has to eat sometime, and, although maybe at different times, you all here "*Insert name here*, dinner!"

Alana became nervous when she heard the call of her mother from down the stairs. She knew her parents would freak out when they saw her. She and Vulpix walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her parents gave her a confused look.
"And you would be?" her father asked.
"um...its me...Alan." she said, almost unable to get the words out.
"What...how...when?" her mother sputtered out.
"Well..." Alana then explained the events of the day.
"So, this organization is after you and the others? i don't like it." her father said. "I'll go down to the hospital tomorrow to see if I can find anything out."
"And we have to get you some clothes...if we can hide your...um...unique features." her mother said.
They then began to eat their food, still discussing what to do.
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Postby AnimaVex » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:29 am

Brendan's mother didn't take it so well. She didn't believe him at first, but, eventually, started to believe a bit more. (After a few odd questions...)

"So... this organization thing's after you guys. And what do hope to do now?" His mother said.

"Well, we don't know. We'll probably decide tomorrow," Brendan replied.

"... This is horrible. And your father still isn't back from his trip."

"Well, we can always start eating, right? I mean, I'm actually kinda hungry.." Brendan rubbed his stomach, which started rumbling. They then began to eat.
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Postby Sasha » Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:21 am

Aiko meanwhile was twoiching her eye while her mom was playing with her ears. " Mom cna you please stop that."

Her moming giggles. " But they are soooo fuzzy."

Aiko sighs. " Mom i lost 4 years of my life cuse of this and all you can do is play with my ears."

Her mom stops playing and conforts her. " Its ok dear we will think of something."

Aiko smiles "Thanks mom. This group thats after me I'll never forgive them."

Her mother nods. " They do pose a problem and get in the day of your dream but no worries daughter your father will think something up."
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Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:32 pm

Joule comes down to dinner and explains about the evil organization and why she suddenly can spark like a Pikachu and introduces Sparky (her new Pikachu) to her parents. "I need help, mom. I don't know how to get a hold of the others in case those Team Rocket rejects show up. They say they are more better than Team Rocket, so we need to come up with a plan..."

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