Cow Bell Man/Girl and Others

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Postby P-tan » Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:51 pm

I wish my art skills wer as good as yurz.. :(

Postby Cow Belle » Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:56 pm

(forgot to do this, maybe I'll draw up a pic or something like that...)

Cow belle

Age: Around 8-12ish
Eyes: Brownish
Hair: Light Brownish
What: The little girl form of Cow Bell Man. Wears a cow bell around her neck so she doesn't get to lost. Seems much smarter then kids her ageish.
Some stuff happen, and there was cow bell! And all was good.
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Cow Belle
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Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:19 am


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