I'll be hooooome for the hooolidays~

What's the poll you want to ask?

a) Something serious.
b) Something awesome.
c) Something silly.

Moderator: Moderators

Where will you be for the holidays?

Home. Please save me.
At some family house. Kidnap me please~!
I'll be partying with the friends! Woo hoo!
I'm stuck at school. Like a fly on flypaper! :O
No votes
I have to go to my day time slave detail- err, I meant I have to work. <.<;;
No votes
In my hidden bunker, hiding from the radiation fallout at ground zero!
I'll be somewhere other than here.
Right behind you, hah! :D (What is this poll about again?)
Total votes : 17

I'll be hooooome for the hooolidays~

Postby Helel » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:35 am

Sorta straight forward. What's your holiday plans? :O

For now, pretend this is for Thanksgiving even though I'm clearly talking about the Winter/Christmas Holidays. ;)

Completely non-serious if the options confuse you as well.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:31 am

I'll be here, as always. I don't really consider it my home, but I've been here for four years now. Sitting around. Wearing a frown.

Hey, someone come and kidnap me already! >:O (I mean, I'd love some age regression while I'm knocked out. Geddit?)
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Postby Xia » Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:30 am

I'll be at home. More because of some event being held for my sister than thanksgiving.

I'm flying out today, be back sunday.
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Postby Teddy » Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:27 pm

I'm going to be in my bunker. OUR PROPHET, WEIRD AL YANKOVICH HAS DECLARED IT AS A GROUND ZERO CHIRSTMAS! And I want to live. Even if that song is pretty old.
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:01 pm

I'm home right now. It's weird, being away from my own computer.... But it's only for tonight and tomorrow. I have to go home tomorrow night because I have to go to work on Friday. Everybody who gets that day off (i.e. most people not working in retail or restaurants) don't know how lucky you have it. Blech. :? I'd willingly give another day of using someone else's set-up and having to share with my parents in order to keep from having to go.... It just seems so silly, going back one day and then weekend. The whole point of the holiday being on a Thursday is to give you an excuse for a long weekend, dag nab it! At least that's what I think ,anyway. But I'm rambling, so I shall shut up now.
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Postby Anamnesis » Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:25 pm

I am in my room, and have trapped my door. I am not leaving it until AFTER Thanksgiving.
What does one DO on Thanksgivingm if they have nothing to give thanks for?
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:29 pm

You can give thanks for having friends, at least.... **hug**
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Postby Temet nosce » Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:44 pm

I'll be at home dealing with my dear sweet family. Almost all of whom disaprove of how I look, how I act, and everything about me in general because I'm not Christian, haven't got a job, and I'm not married or even interested in being married. On the plus side most of them are very good at cooking and I generally stick around for as little time as possible.
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Postby Raijin » Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:32 am

Since go to college while still living at home I guess home? o.o
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Postby Helel » Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:53 pm

I've been retrieved by my family to solve their every whims as their personal slave. :O

There goes some R&R from school, but at least I've enjoyed my stay at home. :D
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Postby P-tan » Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:42 pm

My 11 uncles and aunts from my mom's side will be preocupying my holiday time with multiple b-days and asian house parties.... save me god!

(how sadistic..whatever that means..)

Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:54 pm

I'm home with my girlfriend.
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Postby Kara-chan » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:29 am

With family in NJ eating delicious foods and relaxing
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