The irony of Thanksgiving for me...

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Postby May-chan » Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:58 am

Selena Aninikkou wrote:
Kohaku wrote:I'm not a fan of chips/fries, but neither am I a fan of spinach/broccoli. =S

No insulting broccoli ^^

see! another wise person!

your dark-greens like spinach and broccoli are very good for skin as well
earlier this month I had broccoli with almost every meal for a week and at the end my skin was the best I'd ever seen it

salmon too is good for skin, hair, and emotional well being when fresh caught and rich with Omega 3 fatty acids

I also just recently was informed that frozen veggies are oft more nutritious than canned or so called "fresh" as they are frozen near and soon after they are harvested and have more of the vitamins "locked-in"
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Postby Selena Aninikkou » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:08 am

I don't like spinach much, but I like to eat broccoli, carrots, celery and radishes as snacks. Much better than chips...
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:15 pm

Except for radishes (never had any before, as far as I can tell), I prefer those over chips as well. Of course, I don't mind a little bit of dressing or peanut butter with some of them. ;p
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Postby Kara-chan » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:20 pm

I'll take a good bunch of grapes anyday, they're like nature's bag of chips
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Postby Kohaku » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:30 pm

Oh man, you're right Kara-chan. Grapes...

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Postby Christina Anikari » Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:14 pm

Hmmm...i think i can officially say that i would like neither the classic thanksgiving meal nor your idea for one May. The concept of roasting a turkey whole sounds so immensely stupid to me. I mean taking the kind of meat that needs the most outside work to taste of anything at all and then serving it in a way that makes it very hard to actually get any flavour from the outside in sounds stupid. As for the gravy then how you make it is very important for how it turns out. The way my mother makes it for example it is pretty much just what you get by roasting the meat, with the fat skimmed off, with water and possibly a few seasonings making a very thin, dark gravy that tastes very strongly, though how much and exactly how depends on the kind of meat used. The traditional danish way of making it, on the other hand, involves large amounts of flour to make it more solid as well as coloring and...other things i don't know what is, creating a thick light brown gravy that doesn't taste of very much. As for cranberry sauce i stay away from it, my parents love it but i am not going to try it. Mashed potatoes is nice and in its simplest form consists of just that, with nothing added, though the form i am most used to has a bit of water, milk, salt and pepper added. I don't really think it fits gravy though, ordinary boiled potatoes is better for that, rice can be alright as well. And apart from the pie the rest of it just sounds like a really bizarre set of things to eat with any kind of roast meat and gravy, and pie just isn't a very interesting kind of desert...especially not if you are unfortunate to get it with pumpkin in it, then it gets really gooey...all this is at least my thoughts on all this.

I can't say i like vegetables or fish very much either. Salmon can be good, but only the marinated non-cooked kinds. If it is like that then it is great. Vegetables i have a large wierd psychic block that prevents me from even wanting to eat. That i think that it pretty much all has the same watery taste doesn't make it more appealing for me.

What i would personally choose for a meal like that would be to go with a traditional european serving. Roast duck, a bit of stuffing of some kind or another, a strong gravy with the fat skimmed off, boiled potatoes and possibly rice. Various less important things on the side and no desert. For most non-traditional dinners i prefer middle eastern and asian food of various kinds, though various mediteranean food is nice as well. Various kinds of seasoned bread can be really nice as well. And as you can probably hear i like strong-tasting or heavily seasoned food. It doesn't have to be spicy, just seasoned in some way.

As for the whole discussion of healthy food then i can't say it is something i care much about. I strongly prefer to eat food made from high quality ingredients and i am borderline obsessive about avoiding fat, though the last bit is mostly because i can't stand the taste or feel of very fat food and not out of any kind of health concerns. The primary reason that i don't care much about how healthy the food i eat is that i love the taste too much to sacrifice it for healthiness, and if my reaction whenever i have to eat food i don't like for extended periods of time is any way of judging then the blow to my quality of life if i started eating food after what is healthy and not after what i like would outweigh the benefits. At least after only a couple of days of getting food i don't like i lose all appetite and start withdrawing to the same extend i have done during my worst depressive phases. Food really is that important to me. That i haven't seen any health consequences at all so far, i am even in better shape than the average danish person without making an effort doesn't encourage me to give too much of a damn either.

I don't eat that unhealthily either. I prefer the healthiest bits of meat and get them served in smaller bits with other things on the side. That i also love things like shrimps, marinated salmon, pesto and rocket salad probably also helps. It is mostly just vegetables that are recognizable as vegetables i dislike. I just mean that i don't make a conscious effort at being healthy, more than i mean that i live unhealthily. I need to cut back on snacks though.
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Postby Sophia Anieri » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:11 pm

Crescent Pulsar wrote:I have a cure!

*Demonstrates by pinching nostrils closed*

Good thing that our taste heavily relies on our sense of smell. :P

You do know that your back of your nose connects with the back of yor mouth, so you can smell food even with your nostrils closed, right?
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:43 pm

Sure. But, when you're in the process of swallowing, most of it goes down, not up. Or else holding your nostrils closed would be useless and no one would bother trying. ;p
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Postby Beyond » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:47 pm

There is no thanksgiving day here in Perú.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:50 pm

But we're thankful that you're here, regardless. *Huggles Beyond all tenderly and stuff*
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Postby P-tan » Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:43 pm

I had an ironic turkey day 2!

(Let's just say it includes legally stuffing yourself,the rotavirus,insomnia,recuperation,etc.)

Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:58 pm

I had fun with Thanksgiving. I ate Mashed Potatoes, corn, and Green Beans, while some of my family started bitching about how black people naturally tend to be random, need a good leader like Bill Cosby or Martin Luther King, sing dirty dumb stupid Rap Music, and live off government subsidies...And then they got racist...
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:46 pm

Like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that... I didn't participate in the Thanksgiving meal. I stayed home, like usual. But we've got some of the leftovers, so...
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Postby Helel » Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:00 am

Shame I gleamed over this topic earlier. x_x

Regardless, my family ended up serving up grilled grouper and pork tenderloin, rice (and another italian rice dish that I can't remember was called) green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes with pecans, halves of tomatoes with some sort of topping (something with cornmeal... very unique taste), Caesar salad, mashed potatoes, and bread rolls.

That may seem like a LOT of food, but since there were 22 people, we each got a single serving, and the food had basically run out. My family usually does turkey and stuffing, but otherwise the meal is the same as above.

That, and for desert, we had key lime pie, and a pecan shortcake. very satisfying meal. Easy to make, and no long term prep at all. The fish was kinda hard to clean up, but it's still easier than dealing with tons of leftover turkey and eating it as leftovers for forever. My mom knows how to get ALL the meat out of the turkey, it's insane.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:02 am

We solve the leftovers problem by having our next-door neighbor (who is like family and usually shares holidays with us) make homemade turkey noodle soup. I'm telling you, that stuff is out of this world.... Yum. :D Makes the stuff in a can seem like colored water in comparison.
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