by Chibi MitchellTF » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:52 pm
ParaB slams his head into the steering wheel. He whispers to himself. "Intensive Care Unit, idiot. Also known as CCU, Critical Care Unit." He then comes to a decision, and pulls out a gun. He points it to his forehead, and thinks for a minute.
Then he puts it into his mouth, and thinks for a minute. Then he puts it over his heart, and thinks for a minute. Then he puts it back into his temple, and thinks for a minute...
Neko follows curiously, waiting to see the 'not die' thing in action, not caring about the apparent danger.
Especially since three figures were waiting atop the roof, in 'wingman' formation. Only problem was, there were two holes in their formation, one in the center, and one on the far right 'wing'. Off course, they also had cat-ears and visible breasts.
The right-hand figure laughs manically. "Foolish mortals! They will pay for our suffering, as we reclaim that which is rightfully ours! None can stand against us!"
The left-hand figure speaks next. "My genius shall lead us to victory. None can stop us, with our master plan!"
The left-hand 'ending' figure smiles, revealing gleaming sharp fangs. "Yes, we have the resources to create something far beyond the might of even S.U.C.K."
They pause, waiting for the next dramatic quote. Instead, all that is heard is a grunt from the back, where the fire escape ladder is. A head, enshrouded in shadows, slowly appears. It bites down on the top of the ladder, and drags itself over the top, like an inchworm. When it clears the ladder, it falls exhausted, revealing arms tied by a straight jacket. "You could have waited to UNTIE ME FIRST!"
The left-hand figure snickers. "You could use your claws, you know."
The figure on the floor growls. "They put little 'capped' gloves on my claws, Egghead!"
The right-hand figure interrupts. "No insults, our great, majestic, and powerful leader would not like that. Though he may be absent, his guidance will rule over us!"
As she finishes, a final figure's head appears over the top of the ladder. No shadows enshroud this one, for the black armor gleams in the moonlight. No features can be seen, underneath the face mask, cat-eared helmet, and billowing cape. A deep voice resonates. "I am absent no longer, and the time of our vengence is...what's that sound?"
The screws on the ladder begin to snap, underneath the ponderous weight of such an armor. The leader begins to swear like a sailor with a bleeding arm and VD, as the ladder tips, sending the armored leader falling into the alleyway below.
Neko twitches with a sudden fear. "I sense something, a presence that I have not felt since...did anyone hear a clattering?"