by Chibi MitchellTF » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:39 pm
The paramedic sits up, and smiles. "Yes. I know exactly what's going on. S.U.C.K. came up with the idea for a being, an weapon. It was capable of infecting it's victims with a virus, causing them to mutate into a being like this weapon, and then infect others. A 'Typhoid Mary' if you will. Now, anyone with half a brain cell would realize that this weapon could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands, or if it went postal. Unfortunately, S.U.C.K. doesn't have that. It recruited some extra members, and even more after that, and five of these extra members were the ones on the project. They created this monstrosity, and of COURSE, it escaped. The weapon was caught, and the virus kept in check by nanobots. This weapon, was Neko. The Cat. The five who created Neko survived. There forms were changed, but the desire for conquest did not. Now, they have returned, and formed the Neko-Jin. What they seek, I do not know. The base behind me was once where the branch that FINANCED Project Neko was. They were not at the breakout, and were not transformed. So, I guess the Neko-Jin were a bit mad. If we're lucky, that catgirl who attacked me didn't destroy everything, and we can steal some data. A girl like you shouldn't see what's in there, so I'll meet you back at the coffee shop, or I could call you on your cell. We might be able to analyze the data, and figure out what they are after."
As he finishes this, he suddenly gets nervous, and looks around. When nothing happens, he breathes a sigh of relief. "I feel better, that exposition was the kinda stuff somebody reveals on their deathbed!"