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Cow Belle wrote:Ekk! It's the 'Bread and Butter Battle' all over again. :p
In the music world it really doesn't matter what handed you are. You still put the same hand down for the flute and other instruments. You still have to learn it the right way because they don't make left handed winds. If you are right handed you have a better time with the woodwinds anyhow. Mosly on the bassoon. Instruments were made with the righty in mind from the get go.
Now that I think about, Instrument music is the reason that the right hand is on top. Sorry leftys. ^^;
Raijin wrote:
Never tried buying a left handed guitar huh?
Empyrean Nikkou wrote:Only thirteen percent? O.o That's odd... You know, because I thought that the languages in India and China would be left-dominant... Because of direction stuff is written. Although I don't know what direction things are written in those languages. <.<;
Guendolen wrote:Well, we do tend to be considered more likely to be creative and what not, so it's always possible....
Monogatari wrote:Empyrean Nikkou wrote:Only thirteen percent? O.o That's odd... You know, because I thought that the languages in India and China would be left-dominant... Because of direction stuff is written. Although I don't know what direction things are written in those languages. <.<;
dont quote me on this, but i'm pretty sure it's ~10% of the world that's left handed.
13% is about as close as i could ask on a website like this.
p.s. i'm kinda both handed. write with my left, but i'm able to be very dexterous with both hands.. makes me wish there was a both hands. oh well, already voted for left
Guendolen wrote:I think it's the lot of many lefties to learn at least some degree of coordination with their off hand, due to the way so many things in this world are set up. For instance, when I was a kid I taught myself how to cut right-handed because all the lefty scissors available in schools and what not were dreadful. Now I'm more comfortable using quote un quote "normal" scissors than the ones made for my own dominant hand.
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