by Mistress Guendolen » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:24 am
Elise stepped closer to the center of the room, near the unfortunate corpse's head. It was rare that there was a body present in these instances, but that was the preferred location when the rare occasion came up. She put her bag down off to the side, to free up her hands, and raised the brooch in front of her at chest level, facing outward, supported with one hand behind it, the other underneath. She then closed her eyes, top cut off further distractions, and concentrated.
Or rather, reached out with her mind. Yes, there was a presence here, and it was not a settled one; other presences lurked further away, too far to make out any details for sure. She would concentrate on this one, for now. "Troubled soul," she said, voice quiet but sure. "Shaken so abruptly from this earthly coil. I ask you to pass on. There is nothing more you need to accomplish here. Your duties have been done. You have no need to seek vengeance, to wreak havoc upon those living. You will find peace in the Afterlife. Pass on to the next world which awaits you; follow the bright light that shines ahead, the light that soothes and leads, follow the path to a better place." She took one hand out from underneath the brooch, slashing the hand down in the air, up again, and then across, left to right; anyone watching might have sworn they saw a trail of faint, cloudy white light linger in the air, like a ghost of a cross....
The hand returned to underneath the brooch. "I consecrate this ground. Not against you, but to ensure that you do not linger here in the last vestiges of your life, and to ensure that no more spirits linger here. By the light, and by the strenght of my soul, I swear this to be so. May you pass on untroubled, in peace and serenity." She raised the brooch high overhead, still facing outward, then brought it down sharply towards the ground. "So mote it be."
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa