S.U.C.K. Headquarters


Moderator: Mistress Guendolen

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:17 pm

"Okay. At least I know you're feeling better, if you're able to be a gentleman...." Elise crossed over, long umbrella held cross-ways in front of her in one hand, almost like one would a sword. She pushed the door open just a little, peering through the crack to make sure the coast was clear before she stepped in.... You can't be too sure....
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:29 pm

The first thing she sees is the burnt husk of what was once a human being. She can't tell the gender, there's not enough left to see. The flesh has turned completely to black ash, with a dried purple fluid oozing around it. The expression is that of sheer terror, a primal scream of a dead throat. What is left of the eyeballs still oozes out of the socket, and drips against the floor. The corpse's hand appears to have been forced against an electric socket, while holding a fork. It's stuck in an awkward position, and some of it's limbs have nearly snapped, revealing charred muscle and calcified bone.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:49 pm

Elise's face paled. Bile rose in her throat. She made a small, wordless, horrified sound. I- I've seen zombies worse than this.... I think.... Somehow, the whole newness of this, the frozen terror among the scarred features, made it all the more horrific.... As did the sickeningly sweet odor of burnt flesh, a scent that burned itself into her mind, and which she hoped she never had to smell again.... A hand went to her stomach. Closing her eyes, she forced down the bile. Not now- I can't-
She knew she had to do something. Whoever this was, they had died horrifically. It was her duty- exorcist, spiritual connective, whatever you chose to call it- to make sure their soul was at peace. Trying not to breathe too deeply, Elise stepped into the chamber with some reluctance, detaching her silver brooch from her collar as she prepared to do what was needed.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:44 am

The paramedic doesn't close the door, and doesn't step in yet. "This was what I didn't want ou to see. She did this to them. There might have been a few escapees, but only because they fled before she arrived. I knew him. He poked the cage, and unleashed Neko. How he escaped with his humanity intact, I don't know. But apparently that catgirl was a bit vengeful."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:30 pm

Elise had her eyes closed by this time. "Well, you could have warned me better," she muttered, but then added, a little more loudly, "But- but I'll be- all right- I've seen some- well- gross- things before-" But not this bad.... She had to make concerted efforts not to breathe in too deeply. "Just- I have something I have to do. If he was killed in- in vengeance, then it's even more important.... I- I'm just going to make sure his spirit doesn't hang around here...." It's bound to be angry, after all. And angry spirits are nothing but trouble, especially if you let them hang around.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:19 pm

The paramedic lets the door close. "So, you are a priest? In that case, you will probably have plenty to do here. How about you do your work, while I look for the disc?"
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:16 pm

"Priest? Not... exactly. I'm more specifically trained to deal with... supernatural threats. Especially those of the spirit world, though undead as well.... The cross is more a symbol of the act than a sign of religious affiliation. But yes, it will be best for me to be left undisturbed to do this. I need to be able to concentrate...." Got my work cut out for me?... Oh, that does not sound good....
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:32 pm

The paramedic nods, and walks deeper into the building, a look of sorrow on his face. As he passes the body, he bows to the electrified corpse, and moves on.
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Postby Xiao » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:40 pm

Daniel continued to watch from the top of the building, going inside the building would put him at too close of quarters for stealth. He instead sat down in a more comfortable position, removing his glasses and setting them on his knee. As the glass moved from his eyes, he was almost immediately able to see several wisps of light, and humanoid figures. As he sat back, he watched the building, which had a higher amount of spirits surrounding it. He sighed from fatigue, the two large healing spells masked as nature had taken a deal of energy from him, so he took this time to rest.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:24 am

Elise stepped closer to the center of the room, near the unfortunate corpse's head. It was rare that there was a body present in these instances, but that was the preferred location when the rare occasion came up. She put her bag down off to the side, to free up her hands, and raised the brooch in front of her at chest level, facing outward, supported with one hand behind it, the other underneath. She then closed her eyes, top cut off further distractions, and concentrated.
Or rather, reached out with her mind. Yes, there was a presence here, and it was not a settled one; other presences lurked further away, too far to make out any details for sure. She would concentrate on this one, for now. "Troubled soul," she said, voice quiet but sure. "Shaken so abruptly from this earthly coil. I ask you to pass on. There is nothing more you need to accomplish here. Your duties have been done. You have no need to seek vengeance, to wreak havoc upon those living. You will find peace in the Afterlife. Pass on to the next world which awaits you; follow the bright light that shines ahead, the light that soothes and leads, follow the path to a better place." She took one hand out from underneath the brooch, slashing the hand down in the air, up again, and then across, left to right; anyone watching might have sworn they saw a trail of faint, cloudy white light linger in the air, like a ghost of a cross....
The hand returned to underneath the brooch. "I consecrate this ground. Not against you, but to ensure that you do not linger here in the last vestiges of your life, and to ensure that no more spirits linger here. By the light, and by the strenght of my soul, I swear this to be so. May you pass on untroubled, in peace and serenity." She raised the brooch high overhead, still facing outward, then brought it down sharply towards the ground. "So mote it be."
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:11 am

A faded spirit appears, a mere formless shadow. "But it's a big wide gate, and there's fire coming out of it, and they're playing accordians, and it says 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'..." It's amazing that a formless shadow could still have enough ability to sound so pleading.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:59 pm

Elise was vaguely nonplused by this. She had never had a spirit argue with her in quite this way before.... Certainly there had been a couple who had opposed being banished, but not in this, well, worried manner. And the description of what apparently awaited didn't make things any better....
She searched quickly for something she could say that would not be a lie, but which would still be encouraging. "Perhaps... it is an illusion. A... a test. In the spirit world, things are not always as they seem. Perhaps this is merely something which you have to make your way past to find that which is better...." I hope so, anyway; I just... I don't want to send a spirit to the darker side of Afterlife, but nor can I allow one to linger indefinitely, especially not one who died so violently.... What do I do? Mom, Dad, what would you do?...
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:51 am

The spirit thinks for a minute. "I don't know. I mean, I'm not exactly a good person, what with the whole world domination thing, releasing a bioweapon of mass destruction, and then the fact that I used identity theft to help finance some stuff..."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:27 pm

I have it. "But you realize you have done wrong. Thus, you have already started to atone for these actions, at least on the inside, right? That's the first step to true peace.... And that means that you must continue on your way. Any interludes that may pass are not likely to last forever, and you will then move on to a more joyous realm." At least, I hope this is the right thing to say.... And Mom always insisted that no punishment was forever except for the most absolutely heinous of crimes, and while they did attempt world domination, they weren't very good at it, so that does tend to take out the sting of the act, doesn't it?... Shades of gray in this area are so tricky to navigate....
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:54 pm

The spirit smiles, and looks for her. "You really think, I can be forgiven?" He steps towards a big white light, and looks back at her.
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