by Mitera Nikkou » Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:02 am
Bleh to Vista... Just because I'd rather not make myself get used to another OS. ^_^; I mean, being as familiar with XP as I am, and said XP still working decently enough in my favor, I'm not dazzled by the newness of it. Besides which, I'm poor, and can't afford it.
And why would there be silence with standard audio CDs? It's hard to imagine an OS not being compatible with something like that.
I'm a pirate, too... 'Cause I'm poor. However, when I have the money, I do buy the CDs and stuff. While that initially seems to contradict my belief in equal give and return (or just giving away excess), I do note that I can hear plenty of songs for free on the radio. In fact, it's good business to hear the songs; it's just like advertising. There are differences, sure, but what can you do? Personally, I don't follow something just because it's a law. I like being practical and realistic and, being as poor as I am, I prefer hearing songs whenever I want (instead of whenever it's played on the radio) until I can afford to buy them. I'm well aware that people make a living, much like I'd like to, so... I give when I can.
There! Half on-topic and half off-topic. ;p
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.