When eating Pizza...

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Do you eat the crust when you eat your pizza?

Yes I do
No, I don't like crusts
Only when the crust is stuffed crust, or it's those new cheese poppers
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I only eat 'crustless' pizza
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Total votes : 26

When eating Pizza...

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:44 pm

...Do you eat the crust?

I've always enjoyed the taste of the crust on pizzas, and I'm not just talking stuffed crust.

Yet like ALL my friends/roomates/etc don't eat the crust. They always leave it on the plate to be thrown away.

So I was wondering how rare the consuption of pizza crusts seems to be. :P

(As a side note, I bet this was probably asked before, and if so I'm sorry for repeating a poll question...)
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:52 pm

Yes, I typically do eat the crust. C'mon, it's like a breadstick! Besides, I don't like wasting, and to my mind throwing out a perfectly edible crust is wasteful. The crusts on Pizza Hut's traditional pan pizza are the best, to my mind. Lightly crispy on the outside while softly chewy on the inside.... Yum. :)
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Postby Beyond » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:52 pm

Beyond needs more information :<

What's the meaning of crust?
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Postby Xiao » Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:30 pm

I don't get why some people don't eat it, it's just bread, the same bread that they had just been eating! The only logic I can see is if they feel it's similar to eating a hotdog and leaving the hotdogless butt of the bun that has mustard all on it.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:40 pm

But mustard soaking into the end of a bun is icky. (This is why you get bun-sized hot dogs....) Pizza crusts are all toasty and crisp and nice. Just dip it in a bit of marinara sauce, if you think it's bland or whatever.
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:26 am

Beyond needs more information :<

What's the meaning of crust?

Wha? Geh. HUH?!?

Beyond if you don't know what a pizza crust is, there isn't much hope of me explaining it.

I'm sorry, I really am but how the <MAJOR CENSORED> do you NOT know what a pizza crust is!?!

That thing at the outter rim of a pizza where the sauce and cheese STOPS. That's pretty much just bread? THAT'S A PIZZA CRUST.

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Postby Helel » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:30 am

I eat the crust to my pizzas. Those that don't eat the crusts to pizzas are wasting both their dough and pizza dough :3
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Postby Raleigh » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:39 am

Its more food to eat so I see no reason to let it sit there.
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Postby May-chan » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:51 am

I generally always eat the crust... there are a few pizzas I do not indulge in crust-consumption of... usually those with cheese stuffed crust... I don't like that (usually). What I do love the most though is sauce stuffed crust! I also love breasticks! It always is kind of dissapointing when a pizza doesn't have a big fluffy crust...
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Postby Cow Belle » Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:34 am

I love crus! It's like food right? And as a poor college student that's all that matters right? :p
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:07 am

I almost always eat the crust. Actually, it has only been the last few times that I haven't, because the cheap pizza had horrible crust, and I wanted more room for the tasty portion of the pizza. Well, as tasty as cheap pizza can get, anyway. ^_^;
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Postby Christina Anikari » Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:17 pm

The only times i don't eat the crust is when there is dried sauce along it. That just tastes nasty. Well that or when it has been burned to charcoal, i am not that keen on getting cancer and charcoal tastes pretty bad anyway. But what is all this stuff about stuffed crusts what kind of freaky foolishness is that, the crust is just supposed to be where the various toppings end, nothing else.

Also how can a pan pizza be traditional? Traditional pizza is baked on a plate or possibly even the floor of the oven is very thin and flat. Pan pizzas are an american mutation of the traditional pizza. I am not saying that it is bad, i've never had any so i wouldn't know, just that it isn't traditional. And always remember traditional does not mean good or bad in general, just traditional.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:41 pm

Stuffed crust isn't freaky. That's like saying that adding parmesian cheese to spaghetti is freaky, or mushrooms to the sauce. XD It's just a natural evolvement, as is the case for most man-made foods. There aren't thousands of cake recipes because people were satisfied with the first concoction. It's just natural for people to explore and create new things, so it can't be freaky. Personally, depending on the cheese inside of the crust, I'm in favor of it.

The only part that I didn't understand, was the part about getting cancer... That's a new one on me. XD I mean, how, and what, would we get cancer from?

(Just to note that the following is to no one in particular, and is just me expressing my opinion. Trying to evade a misunderstanding here.)

Also, tradition is silly. Food is food; if you like it, enjoy it, so why add more additives to it than there probably already is, eh? At best, the earliest methods of baking a pizza are best referred to as "original", or "old-fashioned." Just cook the food, eat it, and be done with it, I say. Takes the excitement of making life more intricately redundant, I know, but, in the end, it will end up in my stomach where everything that goes in there share the same fate... So, what's so special about it? ^_^;
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Postby AnimaVex » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:54 pm

I've taken a liking to crusts as of late. :D
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Postby Beyond » Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:49 pm

Hmm... I always eat that first so the rest it just pure pizza goodness.
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