Tokyo mew mew rp


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Tokyo mew mew rp

Postby Tala » Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:38 pm

(OOC: We will start with your first transformation. when everyone is transformed we will meet up. you can chose an iten that causes the transformation. note:I am not good at explaining transformations so I am not going to try)

*kyte was walking down the street at about 11 p.m. when he saw a golden bracelet in a shop window and for some reason he had to buy it*

*when he came out of the store he put it on and he felt a tingle in his spine*

What is going on?

*kyte stumbled into an alley and he started to change. It all happened in a flash of light. When kyte walked out he was wearing the uniform I discribed in the sign up*

What in the world?
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:01 pm

Josh was rummaging about in some old boxes that were from his grandmother's house, when he found this neat looking pendant, it looked OK to wear as a guy, so he decided to try it on, for the heck of it.

A chill shot through his spine, and the attic looked like it was really well lit, and was almost all white, even though it was a 400 year old house, the attic didnt look like that earlier. the changes started at his feet, his messed up sneakers turned into some possibly really expensive heels, that girls would wear. it wasent the fact that it turned his shoe into a high heel shoe, it was the fact that my foot felt akwardly comfortable in it that scared him. atleast untill it had finnished on hos lower half and he was now wearing a shimmering skirt with girl panties, aswell as silky smoothe legs and a pair of white heels. his shirt poofed into a pristine ladie's blouse, thsi time he was more afrai of what happened to his body beneathe the clothing than what it was wearing.
"ohh.. my god..." it reached his neck, his prized key dissapeared, unkowingly to him because the pendant was still on him, resting on his breasts. his voice shot up to a girly level, and his face became very femmenine, his hair grew long, and just when [s]he thought it was done, flong fingerless white gloves formed on her fore arms, and her nails became longer, and very well trimmed and manicured.

"w-what the hell?!" she stuttered as she fell on the anchient couch. for a second she went deph, only go gain 20% better hearing than what she originally had.
"w-wha?!" she felt the white cat ears twitch on her head. There was an extended feeling coming from her spine, she figured immediately, that it was a tail, he knew that no catgirl was complete without a tail.

low and behold a matching white cat taoil with a tinted gray/ white bow was on it, she didnt notice the bow in her hair either that held it all together in the back.

"this.. is actually kinda nice... if i werent a girl..."
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Postby Tala » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:25 pm

*kyte, now kate, started walking home oblivious to the changes when he was the light come from josh's house*

What was that?

*kate climbed the tree next to the house and looked in the attic window*

Who is that?

*kate taped on the window*

What happened?
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:29 pm

"huh...? ky.. kyte?!" She jumped and ran to the window and threw it open.
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Postby Tala » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:31 pm

*kate jumped in*

What happened to you?
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:33 pm

"i dunnoe... i found this cute pendant in a box from my grandma's house and here i am! nya~" she showed kate the pendant.
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Postby Tala » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:35 pm

*kate grabed the pendent*

This symbol looks just like this bracelet I found.
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Postby Baku Genkaku » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:36 pm

Samus sat in class, bored out of his mind as usual, and more than likely about to fall into a comatic sleep. He looked out the window beside his desk at the birds perched outside on the telephone wires, and began to day dream of flying off with them...Then of course his ADD kicked in and he imediately began to think of that cool moment in hellraiser. You know the moment he's talking about.....with the thing, and that other thing? Yeah, thats the one.
He then saw a light flash from outside the class in a near by house.

"Zee hell?" he said in a fake german accent.

He opened his desk to put away his books when the bell rang to go home, when he noticed a small ring made of a black gem....
He took it and went outside to check things out. ... spojo3.jpg
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:39 pm

(OOC: where is your character post in the sign up thread? or do we need character threads now? o_o)

"really? sweet! lemme see! nya~" She held her arm up and let the bracelet dangle to see the symbol.
"yeah thats it! how strange..."
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Postby Tala » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:40 pm

I wonder what happened to you?
'Adrift upon the sea of time, the lonely god wanders from shore to distant shore, upholding the laws of the stars above.' - written by Arya in Brisingr
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:45 pm

"what do you mean nya...?" she looked at her pussled, she was acting very cat- like

(OOC: yeah i know im copying the anime, blah blah)
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Postby Baku Genkaku » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:46 pm

Sam looked up the tree as he walked toward the house and saw a cutely dressed girl climb into a window....imediately his thoughts went "bow chicka bowow", but then he slapped himself as he realized : SOMEONE JUST BROKE INTO THAT HOUSE!

He then ran up to the tree and began to climb up after her, with a pocket knife [not drawn] in hand, just in case. ... spojo3.jpg
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:48 pm

"EH?!" May noticed the goy with an unopened pocket knife in the tree, something immediately told her to slam the window shut after punching him, but it seemed all new to her so she just stared at him.
"ehhhehehh... kate?"
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:49 pm

Kenji was just walking down the street when he spots a strange looking pendant.
"Strange I wonder what a pendant of this shape could be doing here?"

Kenji said as he puts it on...though as he did he felt a bit strange as his clothes changed into a white dress looking outfit though it stopped slightly above his knees, though I should state he became a girl right before then, any his shoes changed into white long high heeled boots, and long white fingerless gloves...not to mention the white rabbit-ish tail and ears, as well as the obligatory choker.

"...Well...this is...completely strange." Kenji said as she ran to where some light came from.
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Postby Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:53 pm

"WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING LOOKING INTO OTHER PEOPLES HOUSES?! PERVERT!!!" May said as she yelled at him through the window.
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