by Mistress Guendolen » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:47 am
"Wait a minute- my Mom's name isn't Zoey! And someone sent her a text message directing me to come here.... How is that possible? I mean, she said it was an old friend she hadn't seen for some time. I figured it must've been you. But if you don't remember her, then who sent that message? She says she was a blue Lorikeet- seemed like she might've been a little disappointed that I wasn't a bird too. But how is this possible, anyway? I mean, I understand- basically- how genetics work and all that, and how traits get passed down and stuff. But why is it that I'm a different animal than Mom got? I mean, we're not even the same species! I can't believe I'm even saying all this, this is so crazy...." Cassia shook her head a little, as though in disbelief.
"I guess I'm saying I'm just not clear on all this works out. Why now? I won't ask why us because you just said that.... And I've never watched the show you're talking about. Mom told me about that before she sent me over here, and said the makers took some liberties with the story, but didn't say what kinds. Maybe I'll have to check it out and have her tell me the real story...."
OOC: I don't know the chosen mother's English name (which is the version you seem to be going by here) so I tried to refer to her indirectly instead, to cover that.
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa